Law & Legal & Attorney Military

Practical Ways You Can Support Our Troops

If you're looking for a practical way to support our military troops, there are two basic ways that you can do that.
The first is to participate in one of the many care package organizations that are devoted to the troops who are in Iraq right now.
The second way is to make sure that our returning troops are taken care of and properly honored when they return.
If you're looking for a way to support our troops while they are overseas, then there are several organizations that will help you make sure that your donations are going where they are most needed.
org takes donations and distributes them to the troops overseas.
You can donate money or items.
This site keeps an updated list of what different units have requested, so you can make sure that our troops are getting exactly what they want and need.
com is an organization that takes donations in order to provide our wounded troops with laptops and webcams.
This provides a contact back home for soldiers who are not able to be with their loved ones while they recover.
When our troops come home, they will have needs.
Wounded or not, there are organizations and funds that have been set up to make sure that our veterans feel honored on their return.
org takes donations to provide returning veterans with college scholarships.
Many of the men and women returning from Iraq put their sense of duty ahead of their education.
This fund is an opportunity to give back.
Finally, donations to Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW.
org) will help support our troops overseas and our returning veterans.
VFW has a long history of providing opportunities and defending the rights of our veterans.
From organizing employment opportunities to sending care packages with phone cards, VFW supports our troops even after they return home.
You can do more to support our troops than simply showing that support with bumper stickers or license plate holders.
By supporting our troops with donations and care packages, you help the people who sacrifice so much to stay in contact with their families.
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