- Airsoft guns were originally invented in Japan in the 1980s. This was mostly due to the fact that only official military personnel are allowed to own real firearms in Japan. The goal of the original airsoft guns, which operated on a gas blow back mechanism, was to simulate real firearm look and operation, but while firing 6 millimeter ball bearings for ammunition.
- Gas blow back airsoft guns were the first ones used for police and military simulations. These weapons, which have a gas cylinder inside of them to propel the ammunition, operate very similarly to real guns. When the round is fired, the force of the gas moves the slide and automatically brings up the next round. The kick of these weapons, combined with their comparative cheap cost and safety, made them very popular for simulated exercises.
- While the original airsoft guns operated off of a gas cylinder, there were soon other models available. Springers, which are airsoft guns that operate on a spring, must be cocked after every round is fired. These type of airsoft guns are cheaper than their more expensive counterparts, have the fewest moving parts, and are generally the first type purchased by starting airsoft players. The other variety of airsoft guns are AEG's, or automatic electric guns. These airsoft guns operate off of an electric motor, and are capable of burst and automatic fire like regular machine guns. They have very little kick, however, which may detract from the realism.
- In the late 1990s and early 2000s, airsoft as an industry began to spread. While Japan had invented the airsoft gun, and is still one of the primary producers of them, other Asian countries began to get in on the production aspect. Taiwan, China and even Korea have all become major producers of airsoft guns, though their following isn't as great as Japan in this respect.
- Airsoft guns are commonly used today in military and police exercises. However, they are also popular as a civilian sport which competes with paint ball. Airsoft guns are also used as movie and stage props for their realistic look, in addition to being used in several live action role playing games the world over.
Airsoft Evolution
The Spread
Airsoft Today