Law & Legal & Attorney Military

Regularatory Requirements for Life Raft Capacity

    • A hard case, float-free life raft raft image by circotasu from

      Regulatory requirements for approved life raft capacity vary greatly depending on the vessel in question. Recreational boats aren't required to carry approved life rafts. However, many recreational boaters, particularly those sailing large yachts, will want them anyway, since they're often required for racing. The simple rule of thumb as far as capacity goes, is that a vessel must have enough life raft capacity to safely carry every person on board.

    Who Needs a Life Raft

    • Anyone operating a commercial fishing vessel that travels more than 12 miles from shore must carry an inflatable life raft. Also, anyone operating an inspected passenger boat (regardless of distance from shore) must carry a life raft. See the resources box below for links to detailed charts with life raft requirements by vessel and location. Some smaller crafts, or crafts operating closer to shore, may only need inflatable buoyant devices. Contact the Coast Guard Hotline at 800-368-5647 for help with regulations for specific vessels.

    Choosing a Life Raft

    • If a vessel is required by law to carry a life raft, then a life raft that is Coast Guard approved must be used. While the regulatory requirements for life raft capacity are fairly simple, choosing a life raft is not. Favored choices include hard case, float-free canisters securely mounted on deck. Each type of raft will be clearly marked with its capacity. The size needed depends on how many passengers will be on board, but only four square feet of space is required per person. That is a very small space, so many vessels carry life rafts designed to hold more people than those on board for comfort reasons. Other popular choices include polyurethane or PVC with dark interiors. These choices avoid the problems of a strong rubber smell and hand-glued seams, both disadvantages of rubber. The most comfortable canopies will also have dark interiors to reduce the glare of the sun and viewing ports to reduce seasickness. As for stabilization, life rafts with larger ballast bags will be more stable than survival crafts with smaller bags.

    Life Raft Maintenance

    • Vessels that meet the regulatory requirements for life raft capacity aren't home free. The life rafts must be inspected and repacked every year by a Coast Guard-approved facility. There are no exceptions, unless the life raft is new. New rafts need to be inspected starting in year two. Vessels should be prepared to pay anywhere from $400 to over $1,000 for these yearly inspections.

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