Health & Medical: Muscle Building Program - 3 Day Workout For a Buffer You!

Muscle Building Program - 3 Day Workout For a Buffer You!

If you are up to gain muscle, then you should have the right program for you. You should know what type of program you will have no hard time following whether the program itself or to your workout schedule.

Health & Medical: Protein Helps You Build Muscle

Protein Helps You Build Muscle

While it is absolutely true that you will build muscle fast by eating calories, you will build muscle faster by making sure that you are getting of those calories from protein. In order to build muscle, most people should eat between 1 and 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. For a 200 pou

Health & Medical: BCAA - Branch Chain Amino Acids and Their Role in Muscle Training

BCAA - Branch Chain Amino Acids and Their Role in Muscle Training

BCAAs or branch chain amino acids are amino acids that are especially important for athletes due to their benefits in muscle training. BCAAs are metabolized in the muscle, instead of in the liver, so they are immediately used to create new proteins once they are absorbed.

Health & Medical: The Truth When it Comes to Six Pack Abs

The Truth When it Comes to Six Pack Abs

Today everyone has to be perfect. Gone are the days when you could have a hair out of place or just put on a pair of jeans that didn't have a label.

Health & Medical: High Intensity Training - The New Era of Bodybuilding

High Intensity Training - The New Era of Bodybuilding

High Intensity Training also known as "HIT training" is catching on fast in the bodybuilding community. If you have been in the bodybuilding scene for any amount of time, you have heard what is prescribed to new and advanced weight lifters.

Health & Medical: How You Can Lose Fat and Build Muscle

How You Can Lose Fat and Build Muscle

Having great muscles is the hallmark of a perfect and charismatic persona. A muscular person is always a center of attraction and overrules hefty people. We can precisely define the term "Building muscles" as a mode of getting stronger but fats are the focal obstruction. To have a trimmed

Health & Medical: Three Indirect Tummy Workouts To Perfect

Three Indirect Tummy Workouts To Perfect

Among the list of crucial areas of the body that your exercise program ought to focus its consideration upon is definitely the abdominal area. Workout routines for this particular body region usually do not merely fortify the nearby muscle mass, but additionally at the same time build these up. Mayb

Health & Medical: Advanced Nutrition for Weight Lifters

Advanced Nutrition for Weight Lifters

You know about carbs, proteins and fats. You know about BMR and your optimal daily calorie count. You've been weight lifting for a while, eating properly and noticing the improvement in your strength and your physique. Now it's time to take your nutritional knowledge to the next level.

Health & Medical: How to Gain Muscle Mass Fast - 4 Ways to Learn How to Gain Muscle Mass Fast

How to Gain Muscle Mass Fast - 4 Ways to Learn How to Gain Muscle Mass Fast

Gaining muscle without losing weight is a difficult task for anyone to accomplish. Many men strive to build stronger bodies each day, but sadly many of them fail. If you want to learn how to gain muscle mass fast without losing weight, then you should follow the advice in this article.

Health & Medical: Stories on How to Gain Muscle on Raw Food Diet

Stories on How to Gain Muscle on Raw Food Diet

Excessive weight is a harmful condition that is the cause of many ailments like cancer, diabetes, thyroid and many more such diseases. There are ways and means by which a person can lose all the excessive weight and lead a healthy and fit life. A person should adopt certain healthy habits in his or

Health & Medical: Easy and Effective Workouts For Home To Burn Fat And Gain Muscle

Easy and Effective Workouts For Home To Burn Fat And Gain Muscle

Most people are willing to lose weight and burn that extra fat, but they won't do it. Why? Probably because of busy schedule. They chose to live a less challenging life instead of a much better healthier life. On this article we will be showing you few of the best home exercises which will save

Health & Medical: How You Can Build Lean Muscle

How You Can Build Lean Muscle

People find trouble in building lean muscles. They gain mass instead of building lean ones. To build it appropriately, just go through this article and follow the steps as listed. In a matter of time, you will find that you have built your lean muscle instead of gaining mass.

Health & Medical: Some Important Health Benefits of Bodybuilding

Some Important Health Benefits of Bodybuilding

There's hardly anyone who doesn't agree that muscle is a lot more attractive than fat. In fact, when you want to shed weight, you want to increase your muscle mass and not just diet to burn fat. There are, however, many other reasons why increasing your muscle bulk is beneficial to you and

Health & Medical: Eating Information You Need to Build Muscle

Eating Information You Need to Build Muscle

So, you've decided to work out to try to build some good muscle mass.Unfortunately, making the decision is not the easiest part.There are so many factors that go into muscle building, weight gain, and weight loss.

Health & Medical: The Anabolic Window: What To Include In Your Post-workout Shake

The Anabolic Window: What To Include In Your Post-workout Shake

After the workout nutrition is a hot topic these days, and for good reason. What you put into your body during the "anabolic window" immediately after training can be changed to a large extent on the results of the exercise. In fact, if you can not get the nutrients needed by your system a

Health & Medical: Hardcore Bodybuilding: Warning - Not Intended For Beginners - Part 5

Hardcore Bodybuilding: Warning - Not Intended For Beginners - Part 5

This is not another 'chumpy' internet article about 'how to build muscle'. Articles of that nature are a dime a dozen, written by an author who weighs in at a dripping wet 155#'s with a roll of quarters in each hand. If you are looking for no-holds-barred real life bodybuild

Health & Medical: Easy 6 Pack Abs With These 2 Steps

Easy 6 Pack Abs With These 2 Steps

Here's 2 steps for easy 6 pack abs.Follow these straightforward steps to get washboard abs quickly and efficiently.

Health & Medical: Your Weight in Muscle

Your Weight in Muscle

Many people notice a small weight gain when they begin lifting weights.Don't be alarmed at the extra pounds of weight from weight training because...if you lift weight 2 to 3 times a week, you can gain 1 pound of muscle per month...

Health & Medical: How to Get a Six Pack Doing Squats

How to Get a Six Pack Doing Squats

If I were to ask you what exercise you thought would really burn fat and bring out those elusive six pack abs, what would you say? Sit ups? Crunches? Leg Raises?That's 3 strikes right there!The answer is SQUATS, and here's why...