Health & Medical Body building

Mistakes Are The Key

Today, I started training again for the first time in three months.
I am 16 years old and have been playing sports since I was 5.
I got involved in martial arts when I was 8 and have been weight training since I was 14.
There have been times when I've been more motivated than Rocky, and there has been times when I've been lazier than fat bastard.
Although, for the majority of my life I have been in good shape and continue to pursue higher levels of fitness and expression of my body.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, a great inspiration of mine, once said "Strength does not come from winning.
Your struggles develop your strengths.
When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.
" The truth is many people don't train for many reasons and most people who do start training end up quitting in a month or two, losing all the desire they had to begin with.
I believe the most widespread reason that physical activity is overlooked is simply due to the fact that people believe that have better things to spend their time on.
Whether it be working, studying or socializing.
Physical activity is an important part of a balanced lifestyle.
You don't have to be jacked like Arnold Schwarzenegger, you don't have to be an Olympic athlete, and you don't have to be the heavy weight champion of the world.
But I guarantee to you that being physically active will increase your productivity in every other area of your life.
Not to mention the obvious benefits of longevity increased energy and focus.
So whether or not you want to be a bodybuilding champion or a professional athlete remember this: the lessons you learn in the gym, in the arena, or on the court will be carried over to all other parts of your life.
It will teach you some of the most important lessons that you will ever learn; the lesson of perseverance and discipline.
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