Your post workout meal is the most important of the day.
This is the time where you turn on the machinery to start protein synthesis and stop the catabolic effects that occurs during training.
You should aim to take your post workout supplement immediately after your training.
Your body is ready to uptake nutrients and start the muscle building process and the longer you wait, the less sensitive you will be to the anabolic effects of the post workout supplement.
The Checklist 1.
Whey Protein Why whey protein when there are other choices on the market? Whey protein is a must after training because of its fast digestion rate.
The quick digestion of whey protein will give you a shot of amino acids into your bloodstream faster than any other protein available.
Most individuals should take around 20-40 grams after their workouts.
Simple Carbohydrates There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex.
An over simplification of the difference between the two is that simple carbohydrates are digested quicker and induce a greater insulin response than do complex carbohydrates.
Why would you want to spike insulin levels after working out? You want to spike insulin levels because insulin is the hormone that drives nutrients into muscles.
After working out, your muscles are depleted of nutrients and insulin helps shuttle in those much needed nutrients that will start the processes of protein synthesis.
Good examples of simple carbohydrates are dextrose or even white bread.
Many suggest to have at least twice as many carbohydrates to protein for your supplement.
This is the time where you turn on the machinery to start protein synthesis and stop the catabolic effects that occurs during training.
You should aim to take your post workout supplement immediately after your training.
Your body is ready to uptake nutrients and start the muscle building process and the longer you wait, the less sensitive you will be to the anabolic effects of the post workout supplement.
The Checklist 1.
Whey Protein Why whey protein when there are other choices on the market? Whey protein is a must after training because of its fast digestion rate.
The quick digestion of whey protein will give you a shot of amino acids into your bloodstream faster than any other protein available.
Most individuals should take around 20-40 grams after their workouts.
Simple Carbohydrates There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex.
An over simplification of the difference between the two is that simple carbohydrates are digested quicker and induce a greater insulin response than do complex carbohydrates.
Why would you want to spike insulin levels after working out? You want to spike insulin levels because insulin is the hormone that drives nutrients into muscles.
After working out, your muscles are depleted of nutrients and insulin helps shuttle in those much needed nutrients that will start the processes of protein synthesis.
Good examples of simple carbohydrates are dextrose or even white bread.
Many suggest to have at least twice as many carbohydrates to protein for your supplement.