Health & Medical Body building

Gain Weight Build Muscle Mass

Of the millions of people who try to gain weight and build muscle every year, a large percentage of them fail.
Some people don't practice good eating and sleeping habits, but most of these people fail for the same reason: they don't follow a good workout routine that fits their body type.
Most people don't know the importance of selecting a workout routine that is designed just for them.
Everyone's body is different and reacts differently under certain circumstances.
Just because one person does the bench press 3 times a week and gains a ton of muscle doesn't mean the next guy will reap the same rewards from using this workout.
The first thing you need to figure out is what kind of body type you have.
If you struggle to gain weight and add muscle to your frame, you are probably a hardgainer.
This is the population of people that need to be most careful when selecting a workout program to follow.
Since their muscles recover slower than most people's do, they need a routine that takes this into account.
If they workout with muscles that are not fully healed, it weakens the muscles.
It also makes the person more susceptible to injury and illness.
A routine that allows for ample rest time but also enough time to trigger muscle growth is what you're are looking for.
You won't find this in a muscle magazines.
These tips are intended for people who pack on weight and muscle mass rather quickly.
A routine that consists of 3 or 4 one-hour workouts is ideal.
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