Health & Medical Body building

Want A Sexy Six Pack? How To Focus On A Long Term Ab Program For Maximum Results

Why a Short Term Plan for Washboard Abs Will Turn You to Flab in the Long Haul Faster, faster, faster...
isn't that the motto of the modern world? Everyone wants what they want now, no waiting, no effort.
This has carried over into personal health and fitness with an explosion of plans and products that falsely promise to get you your dream body in a month or even a week.
But make no mistake, if you REALLY want washboard abs, you'll have to work for them.
Great abs isn't just something you do and forget about, it's a way of life.
Why is it a way of life? Partially because of the Fat Problem.
The Fat Problem is, simply put, the natural tendency of fat to cover over muscles.
No matter how much you build up your muscles, if you've got fat covering them up, you'll never look ripped.
Guess where most of the fat accumulates on a man? That's right, the torso, right where your ab muscles are.
And as everyone knows, keeping that fat off is only doable if you engage in regular exercise over a prolonged period of time.
For most people, this is actually harder than the part where you actually build up your ab muscles! But it's also a way of life because of the exercise environment required.
Unlike some muscles, the abs are hard to exercise without dedication.
You may think that you can get by with crunches, but those easy little exercises won't do as much as you'd hope.
To really sculpt your abs, you need access to equipment.
A gym membership is one quick way out, but you can't just join for a little while.
If you value the chiseled abs look, you need to be in for life.
The high-tech machinery used in gyms is quite expensive for the average blue collar joe, too! But if you're poor and have no gym access, there's always the exercise ball.
Finally, it's a way of life because your diet matters too, not just how you exercise.
Muscles need the right fuel to become truly sculpted, and the body needs to avoid fat to show those muscles off.
Taken in combination this results in a strict diet that isn't easy to casually maintain.
Natural foods are best, but if you just don't have the right things available, supplements can be helpful.
While we've been rather harsh about dispelling illusions on easy shortcuts to washboard abs, you shouldn't be discouraged.
Sure, it's a way of life...
but almost anyone can do it, if they really, truly want to.
So just ask yourself...
do you want those abs, or not?
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