Health & Medical Body building

Tips For Muscle Mass Building

Muscles are the corner stone of body building.
Without muscle mass the shape, the physique and symmetry becomes totally useless.
In order to build muscles you need to understand the 3 golden components involved- the right diet, the muscles enhancing training and the approved supplements.
Building muscles is not an impossible job, people have been building body since ancient times.
With the advancements in the field of medical science it has become easy for us to understand how to gain muscle mass rapidly.
In this article I have compiled the best things one can do in order to gain muscle mass.
Understand the basic physiology of how muscles work.
There is a contraction phase where the muscle fibers shorten and there is a relaxation phase where the muscle fibers stretch.
It has been proved that a sustained tension when the muscle fibers are stretched can result in muscle hypertrophy, in simpler terms in order to gain muscle mass rapidly try to put more emphasis on the negative training.
This will make sure you will gain muscles within no time.
Intensity lifting.
One might lift weights for a long time without any result, this is due to the fact that the muscle mass would have gotten adapted to the work load put on them.
In order to truly increase muscle mass you need to rely on intensity lifting.
However, one needs to understand that by doing more intensity training they might actually be over training which is harmful.
The best intensity lifting is the supersets, meaning doing two different exercises back to back without any time gap.
The best combination of supersets involves workout for antagonist muscles.
Proper diet.
It goes without saying that by following a proper diet one can achieve a greater muscle mass.
The main diet should consist of proteins.
Proteins are the building blocks of muscles.
The more protein you consume the more the muscles you will be able to build.
The best source of protein is fish and egg.
Fish is considered as a complete food, so consume a lot of fish if you want to increase your muscle mass.
Eggs contain egg white and the yolk, the egg white is the one which is rich in proteins the yolk is mainly made up of cholesterol so if you want to consume egg, then try consuming the egg white only.
Lastly the supplements.
The three important supplements include glutamine, branched chain amino acids and creatine.
Before you start on any supplements it is advisable that you consult your doctor and get a medical opinion.
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