Health & Medical: How a Muscle Routine Made an Average Joe Become a God Amongst Men

How a Muscle Routine Made an Average Joe Become a God Amongst Men

There was a man. He had no confidence, couldn't talk to a female without her throwing a drink in his face and get the attention of his mother to save his life. Then, something changed. Read the story of how a regular guy underwent a metamorphosis to emerge as the man he always wanted to be.

Health & Medical: 7 Reasons Why You Should Front Squat

7 Reasons Why You Should Front Squat

I can almost guarantee you're not front squatting enough or any. For some reason, you don't see many gym goers (especially bodybuilders) using this time-tested exercise. Read this article now for more information.

Health & Medical: Muscle-Building Workouts - Basic Principles for Muscle-Building

Muscle-Building Workouts - Basic Principles for Muscle-Building

In building muscles and creating a perfectly carved physique, there are basic principles that you must understand if you must achieve this. When it comes to building of muscles your body as a whole should be put into consideration. Do not plan to build just one particular part of your body and leave

Health & Medical: Fitness Work Outs at Home

Fitness Work Outs at Home

Exercises when performed accurately result in building of muscles, even if you are not a part of any commercial gym.If you would like to do work out at home exclusive of costly machines, here is some home fitness work out guidelines for you:Begin your work out with warm-up. Warm up prior to any work

Health & Medical: 3 Tactics To Build Muscle Faster While Staying Lean And Ripped

3 Tactics To Build Muscle Faster While Staying Lean And Ripped

If your trying to build muscle you have probably discovered by now that its not the easiest thing in the world to do. Despite training regularly and trying every type of program under the sun. I personally struggled in my early years to put on serious mass while keeping the fat off.

Health & Medical: Roid Rage - Repercussions of Anabolic Steroid Usage

Roid Rage - Repercussions of Anabolic Steroid Usage

Why are anabolic steroids used for? Anabolic steroids are prescription drugs that are used for various medical purposes and are used to provide relief to the patient. However, it is not just the medical arena that makes use of this anabolic steroid.

Health & Medical: 3 Sample Meal Plans For the Perfect Bodybuilding Diet

3 Sample Meal Plans For the Perfect Bodybuilding Diet

Does a perfect bodybuilding diet exist? Yes. It's all based on a few important guidelines you should implement in your daily meal plans. Let's look at some sample meal plans to get you started and show you foods that build muscle.

Health & Medical: Muscle Building Diet - Sample Diet for A Gym Animal

Muscle Building Diet - Sample Diet for A Gym Animal

Muscle Building Diet: This is example of how my muscle building diet. Sometimes I change some foods out but this is what it looks like most of the time. Depending on your size you might need to eat a little more or a little less. Find at what caloric consumption do you add/lose/maintain weight.

Health & Medical: Weight Training

Weight Training

For individuals who would want a much more vigorous workout strategy, weight training is a sensible choice that can merge building muscle tone and working the cardiovascular system. Weight training tones your muscles and boosts your metabolism, which aids your body burn much more calories not only w

Health & Medical: How to Buy a Rowing Machine

How to Buy a Rowing Machine

A rowing machine is arguably the best full-body workout machine you should have in your home today. Anyone can use it and it offers a great low-impact cardiovascular workout so you won't be placing any unnecessary stress on your joints. And with the constant pulling and pushing done while rowin

Health & Medical: The Bodyblade Workout?

The Bodyblade Workout?

Those who have been working in the fitness industry for years never cease to be amazed at the ingenious devices that are created for the intended purpose of making fitness training easier and more effective; to provide faster and more efficient workouts. One recent addition to the mix is the Bodybla

Health & Medical: Body Building for Skinny Guys - The Push Up

Body Building for Skinny Guys - The Push Up

The Push-Up is one of the most neglected workouts in muscle building. Here, we examine the common mistakes people make while carrying out the exercise and some suggestions to improve the efficiency and results of this exercise.

Health & Medical: Muscle Building Workouts: Step-By-Step Guide of What to Do

Muscle Building Workouts: Step-By-Step Guide of What to Do

People, who want to build muscles, can't do without a good efficient muscle building workout. You really can't expect to bulk up without working out. The most important essential of a good muscle building workout routine is weight lifting.

Health & Medical: Build Muscle - Eating Junk Food When Trying to Build Muscle

Build Muscle - Eating Junk Food When Trying to Build Muscle

You already know that to build muscle, you need to EAT.Most individuals who start off on a bodybuilding plan will try and keep their diet as healthy as possible.They'll try and gain weight off canned tuna, whole wheat pasta, white rice, whole grain bread, nuts, and chicken.While you can definit

Health & Medical: How To Gain Lean Muscle With This Amazing Little Secret

How To Gain Lean Muscle With This Amazing Little Secret

An amazing little secret to gain lean muscle. You hear it all the time, buy our products, drink this drink, eat this magic pill, then go to the gym and workout, you'll look great in no time. And people buy the supplement, they get the magic pill, they go to the gym, so why do the average Joe&ap

Health & Medical: How to Gain Weight - Gaining the Wanted Fats

How to Gain Weight - Gaining the Wanted Fats

It is true that a lot of people want to know how to gain weight. While the majority of people are actually adamant about those extra pounds, there are others who are willing to pay a fortune trying to gain weight. Since each and every body is different, concerns are expected to be different as well.

Health & Medical: QuemNutrio Inteligente?

QuemNutrio Inteligente?

Bom dia, leitor! No texto de hoje iremos tocar no assunto suplementos alimentares. Vamos tocar também em temas relacionados, por exemplo suplementos alimentares, produtos naturais, emagrecedores, fitoterapicos. Esportistas, ginastas, lutadores e jogadores estão sempre procurando e busc