If your trying to build muscle you have probably discovered by now that its not the easiest thing in the world to do.
Despite training regularly and trying every type of program under the sun.
I personally struggled in my early years to put on serious mass while keeping the fat off.
And it wasn't until I did my own experimentation that I found out some important things that have helped me tremendously in making some significant gains in muscle mass and stay lean and ripped.
Im going to share with you the most important 3 tactics and strategies so you can also start building lean muscle mass a whole heck of a lot faster: First, make sure you stick with the basics.
That being big multi-joint compound exercises.
No matter what your goal is, to get big and scary or to get lean and athletic.
Compound movements should compromise at least 90% of your time in the gym.
If you don't know how to structure your workouts to fit these guidelines, here is a quick way to find exercises that will fit your daily spits: * Upper Body Horizontal Pulling (Bent Rows, Seated Rows, Dumbbell Rows) * Upper Body Horizontal Press (Bench Press, Dumbbell Chest Presses, Push-Ups) * Upper Body Vertical Presses (Military Press, Shoulder Presses, Clean & Press) * Upper Body Vertical Pulling (Chin-Ups, Pull-Ups) * Lower Body Push (Squats, Front Squats, Leg Press, Over Head Squat, Lunges) * Lower Body Pull (Deadlift, Sumo Deads, Leg Curls) Pretty simple huh? So the idea is to train based off of movements.
Just pick out the exercises as you go.
And remember these type of exercises should comprise at least 90% of your training time.
The other 10% can be anything you want, usually direct isolation exercises like bicep curls, press-downs, shoulder shrugs, shoulder raises etc.
You know the exercises everybody loves to do! The second tactic has to do with your day and times.
If you are trying to gain muscle, you need to know that you don't gain it in the gym, you gain it when you go home and eat and sleep.
So it is important to keep fatigue down.
Train hard for no more than 3 to 4 days a week for no more than 60min.
This will keep down the fatigue and allow you to stay anabolic, not catabolic.
The key is brief but hard, so don't waist time talking or socializing...
Your There To Work! A great way to keep time in your workouts short and intense is by super-setting opposing body parts...
Back and chest, quads and hamstrings.
Or if your really looking for some intensity, superset upper and lower movements...
Chest press and squats or chin-ups and deadlifts.
My third tactic is to eat clean high quality whole foods, instead of processed supplements, bars and pre-workout drinks.
Do I use them? Yes I do, but they are kept to a strict minimum.
I always use food as my number 1 energy source.
Many magazines will over hype supplement products because thats their business and they make a killing doing it.
The only thing your doing is paying their bills when you buy expensive stacks at your local supplement store...
So Avoid Them! Instead take in high quality foods like eggs, beef, chicken, fruits and veggies.
This long term will build muscle faster while getting you lean and ripped in the process.
So I encourage you to forget about the hyped up workouts in these muscle magazines that will never work for a drug free person.
Leave the supplements behind and instead take the tips I gave you here to heart, because they work and you'll finally start seeing some real world results!
Despite training regularly and trying every type of program under the sun.
I personally struggled in my early years to put on serious mass while keeping the fat off.
And it wasn't until I did my own experimentation that I found out some important things that have helped me tremendously in making some significant gains in muscle mass and stay lean and ripped.
Im going to share with you the most important 3 tactics and strategies so you can also start building lean muscle mass a whole heck of a lot faster: First, make sure you stick with the basics.
That being big multi-joint compound exercises.
No matter what your goal is, to get big and scary or to get lean and athletic.
Compound movements should compromise at least 90% of your time in the gym.
If you don't know how to structure your workouts to fit these guidelines, here is a quick way to find exercises that will fit your daily spits: * Upper Body Horizontal Pulling (Bent Rows, Seated Rows, Dumbbell Rows) * Upper Body Horizontal Press (Bench Press, Dumbbell Chest Presses, Push-Ups) * Upper Body Vertical Presses (Military Press, Shoulder Presses, Clean & Press) * Upper Body Vertical Pulling (Chin-Ups, Pull-Ups) * Lower Body Push (Squats, Front Squats, Leg Press, Over Head Squat, Lunges) * Lower Body Pull (Deadlift, Sumo Deads, Leg Curls) Pretty simple huh? So the idea is to train based off of movements.
Just pick out the exercises as you go.
And remember these type of exercises should comprise at least 90% of your training time.
The other 10% can be anything you want, usually direct isolation exercises like bicep curls, press-downs, shoulder shrugs, shoulder raises etc.
You know the exercises everybody loves to do! The second tactic has to do with your day and times.
If you are trying to gain muscle, you need to know that you don't gain it in the gym, you gain it when you go home and eat and sleep.
So it is important to keep fatigue down.
Train hard for no more than 3 to 4 days a week for no more than 60min.
This will keep down the fatigue and allow you to stay anabolic, not catabolic.
The key is brief but hard, so don't waist time talking or socializing...
Your There To Work! A great way to keep time in your workouts short and intense is by super-setting opposing body parts...
Back and chest, quads and hamstrings.
Or if your really looking for some intensity, superset upper and lower movements...
Chest press and squats or chin-ups and deadlifts.
My third tactic is to eat clean high quality whole foods, instead of processed supplements, bars and pre-workout drinks.
Do I use them? Yes I do, but they are kept to a strict minimum.
I always use food as my number 1 energy source.
Many magazines will over hype supplement products because thats their business and they make a killing doing it.
The only thing your doing is paying their bills when you buy expensive stacks at your local supplement store...
So Avoid Them! Instead take in high quality foods like eggs, beef, chicken, fruits and veggies.
This long term will build muscle faster while getting you lean and ripped in the process.
So I encourage you to forget about the hyped up workouts in these muscle magazines that will never work for a drug free person.
Leave the supplements behind and instead take the tips I gave you here to heart, because they work and you'll finally start seeing some real world results!