You already know that to build muscle, you need to EAT.
Most individuals who start off on a bodybuilding plan will try and keep their diet as healthy as possible.
They'll try and gain weight off canned tuna, whole wheat pasta, white rice, whole grain bread, nuts, and chicken.
While you can definitely do this if you consume enough of these foods, is it necessary? Or, can you have a little more fun with your eating? Why You Should Eat Healthy First, let's look at why it is a smart idea to eat healthy food.
First, healthy food is going to make you feel better, which should then help you have better quality workouts.
If you are feeling bloated, sick, or having huge energy highs and lows, chances are, your workouts are going to be less than optimal.
Healthy food will generally just help your body run better, thus enabling you to perform better in everyday life.
Not to mention that healthy food will help fight off diseases, which should always be a concern even if it isn't directly related to your aesthetic goals.
Why It May Be Beneficial To Eat Some Junk Food Now, on the flip side of the coin, don't be so fast to discount allowing yourself to eat some food that's less than optimally nutritious.
One thing this will help you do is get those calories up there.
Eating 100% nutritious all the time may make fitting in 4000+ calories rather difficult.
Secondly, it's enjoyable! Yes that's right, eating for pleasure is a consideration.
Since you are, after all, trying to gain weight, you might as well enjoy it! The thing to keep in mind is that in reality, after you've achieved your protein intake for the day and have eaten some essential fats, the exact type of carbohydrates you take in isn't going to make all that much of a difference, aside from potentially influencing your insulin release a little more.
While this doesn't mean you want to fill your diet entirely with simple, high-sugar carbs, a few, in combination with some slower-burning healthy sources shouldn't be all that harmful.
Your body isn't any more likely to turn the calories from licorice into body fat than it is whole wheat pasta, assuming the exact same total daily calories are taken in.
So, keep things in perspective.
Aim to eat healthy food 70% of the time, then allow 30% of the time for foods you are really craving.
As long as you're hitting the same total calorie intake with both ways, it should not greatly affect the results you see.
Here's to happy eating while you build muscle!
Most individuals who start off on a bodybuilding plan will try and keep their diet as healthy as possible.
They'll try and gain weight off canned tuna, whole wheat pasta, white rice, whole grain bread, nuts, and chicken.
While you can definitely do this if you consume enough of these foods, is it necessary? Or, can you have a little more fun with your eating? Why You Should Eat Healthy First, let's look at why it is a smart idea to eat healthy food.
First, healthy food is going to make you feel better, which should then help you have better quality workouts.
If you are feeling bloated, sick, or having huge energy highs and lows, chances are, your workouts are going to be less than optimal.
Healthy food will generally just help your body run better, thus enabling you to perform better in everyday life.
Not to mention that healthy food will help fight off diseases, which should always be a concern even if it isn't directly related to your aesthetic goals.
Why It May Be Beneficial To Eat Some Junk Food Now, on the flip side of the coin, don't be so fast to discount allowing yourself to eat some food that's less than optimally nutritious.
One thing this will help you do is get those calories up there.
Eating 100% nutritious all the time may make fitting in 4000+ calories rather difficult.
Secondly, it's enjoyable! Yes that's right, eating for pleasure is a consideration.
Since you are, after all, trying to gain weight, you might as well enjoy it! The thing to keep in mind is that in reality, after you've achieved your protein intake for the day and have eaten some essential fats, the exact type of carbohydrates you take in isn't going to make all that much of a difference, aside from potentially influencing your insulin release a little more.
While this doesn't mean you want to fill your diet entirely with simple, high-sugar carbs, a few, in combination with some slower-burning healthy sources shouldn't be all that harmful.
Your body isn't any more likely to turn the calories from licorice into body fat than it is whole wheat pasta, assuming the exact same total daily calories are taken in.
So, keep things in perspective.
Aim to eat healthy food 70% of the time, then allow 30% of the time for foods you are really craving.
As long as you're hitting the same total calorie intake with both ways, it should not greatly affect the results you see.
Here's to happy eating while you build muscle!