Welcome to article installment #5 in my "Hardcore Bodybuilding" series.
Before I reveal workout #5 to you, I would like to touch base on a few aspects of this Power Bodybuilding program that are absolutely essential for maximum success.
If you are not willing to comply to my guidelines and instructions 100%, then you might as well go back to your old weightlifting routine, and continue on the road to nowhere.
That may sound harsh word, but it is completely undeniable that every single gym in the world is fill with guys who make zero progress from year to year.
Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.
Think about it, the majority of guys (and gals) working out with the goal of increasing muscle and strength, manage to stay exactly the same, year after year.
The guy bench pressing 225#'s for 5 reps is still benching 225#'s for 5 reps 1 year later.
You get the idea.
I am sure you have seen it all over the place at your own gym, if you are not currently experiencing the same situation yourself.
However, lucky for you I am here and my priceless information is free.
All you have to do is read and follow my training program.
Getting back to my guidelines ( I got a little off track...
): Record every set of every workout in a journal or notebook.
Your goal is to beat your first work set of every exercise when that exercise is repeated in a later workout.
Eat your protein first each and every meal and\or snack.
Only perform the weight training workouts 3 days per week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday is ideal).
Without further adieu, here is workout #5: Smith Machine Incline Chest Press use a low incline setting Bent Over Barbell Row imperative to use good form on these, sub if need be (dumbbell rows, one side at a time, with a knee braced on a flat bench or a hand simply braced on a solid object) Smith Machine Shoulder Press to the front, seated, bar should pass very close to your chin on the way down and up (can sub dumbbell presses if not doing them in another shoulder workout already) Wide Grip Pull Ups use extra weight as best you can...
for example you may do set #1 with an extra 25#'s attached via your lifting belt, then set #2 with 10#'s, then the final set with body weight only, max reps each set Reverse Grip Bench Press this one takes some practice but well worth it...
I strongly advise using some wrist straps (get the ones with velcro) for wrist support...
of course you are going to get a lot of chest and front delt work on this exercise, but we are using it as our primary tricep exercise for this workout All exercises are to be done in this fashion: 2 - 3 warm up sets, not to failure, starting with about 10 reps and working to a low of 4 - 6 reps.
Once the warm ups are complete, load the bar to your 'working weight'.
When you are ready, do a maximal set with the working weight.
You should get anywhere between 6 - 10 reps.
Rest 30 - 45 seconds, breathing deeply, do a second set to max output, repeat the rest, and do a final set also to failure.
Record your reps in your journal or workout log sheet.
Be extra careful with the bent over barbell rows.
Keep the lower back flat (slight arch) and maintain good form.
Sloppy reps will result in injury.
If you are inured and cannot train then you might as well take up chess.
You will need to make sure your diet is properly supplemented with the highest quality bodybuilding supplements.
Read below and follow my tip and discount code for THE best place to find all that you will need!
Before I reveal workout #5 to you, I would like to touch base on a few aspects of this Power Bodybuilding program that are absolutely essential for maximum success.
If you are not willing to comply to my guidelines and instructions 100%, then you might as well go back to your old weightlifting routine, and continue on the road to nowhere.
That may sound harsh word, but it is completely undeniable that every single gym in the world is fill with guys who make zero progress from year to year.
Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.
Think about it, the majority of guys (and gals) working out with the goal of increasing muscle and strength, manage to stay exactly the same, year after year.
The guy bench pressing 225#'s for 5 reps is still benching 225#'s for 5 reps 1 year later.
You get the idea.
I am sure you have seen it all over the place at your own gym, if you are not currently experiencing the same situation yourself.
However, lucky for you I am here and my priceless information is free.
All you have to do is read and follow my training program.
Getting back to my guidelines ( I got a little off track...
): Record every set of every workout in a journal or notebook.
Your goal is to beat your first work set of every exercise when that exercise is repeated in a later workout.
Eat your protein first each and every meal and\or snack.
Only perform the weight training workouts 3 days per week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday is ideal).
Without further adieu, here is workout #5: Smith Machine Incline Chest Press use a low incline setting Bent Over Barbell Row imperative to use good form on these, sub if need be (dumbbell rows, one side at a time, with a knee braced on a flat bench or a hand simply braced on a solid object) Smith Machine Shoulder Press to the front, seated, bar should pass very close to your chin on the way down and up (can sub dumbbell presses if not doing them in another shoulder workout already) Wide Grip Pull Ups use extra weight as best you can...
for example you may do set #1 with an extra 25#'s attached via your lifting belt, then set #2 with 10#'s, then the final set with body weight only, max reps each set Reverse Grip Bench Press this one takes some practice but well worth it...
I strongly advise using some wrist straps (get the ones with velcro) for wrist support...
of course you are going to get a lot of chest and front delt work on this exercise, but we are using it as our primary tricep exercise for this workout All exercises are to be done in this fashion: 2 - 3 warm up sets, not to failure, starting with about 10 reps and working to a low of 4 - 6 reps.
Once the warm ups are complete, load the bar to your 'working weight'.
When you are ready, do a maximal set with the working weight.
You should get anywhere between 6 - 10 reps.
Rest 30 - 45 seconds, breathing deeply, do a second set to max output, repeat the rest, and do a final set also to failure.
Record your reps in your journal or workout log sheet.
Be extra careful with the bent over barbell rows.
Keep the lower back flat (slight arch) and maintain good form.
Sloppy reps will result in injury.
If you are inured and cannot train then you might as well take up chess.
You will need to make sure your diet is properly supplemented with the highest quality bodybuilding supplements.
Read below and follow my tip and discount code for THE best place to find all that you will need!