Health & Medical Body building

Some Important Health Benefits of Bodybuilding

There's hardly anyone who doesn't agree that muscle is a lot more attractive than fat.
In fact, when you want to shed weight, you want to increase your muscle mass and not just diet to burn fat.
There are, however, many other reasons why increasing your muscle bulk is beneficial to you and which should spur you on.
One, when you work to increase your muscle bulk, you simultaneously lower the amount of fat on your body.
You would look much, more attractive to boot too.
In fact, muscle mass is about half the weight of fat deposits.
To bring it closer home, we could use the example that five pounds of fat is about the size of three grapefruit, while five pounds of muscle is more like three tangerines.
Don't be unduly alarmed, therefore, if in trying to shed weight while building muscle, you actually find that your weight has increased! This confirms that you are actually increasing your muscle bulk.
You would in fact look leaner than you did previously.
Another great benefit of increased muscle bulk is that since muscle burns calories more efficiently than fat, the more muscle mass you have, the more calories your body would burn in a given period.
Muscles use up energy, fat just amasses it.
So more muscle would mean more calories used up, less body weight, and much better health.
It is not only until you have acquired substantial muscle bulk before you can enjoy these benefits.
Research has shown that an addition of only five pounds of muscle would leave you much healthier and boost your body's immune system significantly.
It shouldn't take so long to build muscle, anyway.
Thirty minutes of proper workout weekly would b sufficient to help you reach your goals.
Weight lifting is not the only way to increase your muscle bulk.
Other wholesome exercises include swimming, running, and even walking.
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