High Intensity Training also known as "HIT training" is catching on fast in the bodybuilding community.
If you have been in the bodybuilding scene for any amount of time, you have heard what is prescribed to new and advanced weight lifters.
It is 3 sets of 10-12 reps each.
So far a large muscle group like the back, that would involve upwards to 15-18 sets depending on how many exercises you decided to perform.
Now do you think you can bring the necessary intensity that will lead to muscle growth on that 15th set? Or are you just wasting your time? High Intensity Training was made popular by Mike Mentzer and what he called "Heavy Duty" bodybuilding.
With his high intensity training philosophy, Mike was able to create one of bodybuilding's greatest physiques.
This style of training became even more popular when Dorian Yates burst onto the bodybuilding scene.
With Mentzer as his training mentor and his own twists, Yates was able to win a total of 6 Mr.
High Intensity Training boils down to short training sessions more focused on brief intense workouts with very little volume.
Instead of focusing on long hours in the gym, HIT training focuses on destroying the muscle quickly and beginning the recovery process which leads to greater muscle growth.
So instead of trying to bust out countless sets in the gym, try 1 or 2 intense working sets to failure.
A vital key to High Intensity Training is proper warmup.
Always remember to warmup before lifting any heavy weights.
If you have been in the bodybuilding scene for any amount of time, you have heard what is prescribed to new and advanced weight lifters.
It is 3 sets of 10-12 reps each.
So far a large muscle group like the back, that would involve upwards to 15-18 sets depending on how many exercises you decided to perform.
Now do you think you can bring the necessary intensity that will lead to muscle growth on that 15th set? Or are you just wasting your time? High Intensity Training was made popular by Mike Mentzer and what he called "Heavy Duty" bodybuilding.
With his high intensity training philosophy, Mike was able to create one of bodybuilding's greatest physiques.
This style of training became even more popular when Dorian Yates burst onto the bodybuilding scene.
With Mentzer as his training mentor and his own twists, Yates was able to win a total of 6 Mr.
High Intensity Training boils down to short training sessions more focused on brief intense workouts with very little volume.
Instead of focusing on long hours in the gym, HIT training focuses on destroying the muscle quickly and beginning the recovery process which leads to greater muscle growth.
So instead of trying to bust out countless sets in the gym, try 1 or 2 intense working sets to failure.
A vital key to High Intensity Training is proper warmup.
Always remember to warmup before lifting any heavy weights.