- 1). Cut three 60-inch long pieces of hemp rope.
- 2). Align the tops of the hemp rope and tie a single knot approximately 3 inches below the tops of the three strands. Stick the knot onto your workspace with a strip of duct tape.
- 3). Untangle and separate the three hemp strands so they are positioned parallel to one another. You will need to repeat this throughout the braiding process to keep the lanyard untangled.
- 4). Pick up the hemp rope on the left side and lift it over the middle hemp rope. Lift up the hemp rope on the right side and place it into the middle position. Continue to braid the lanyard until you have 3 inches of loose hemp rope remaining.
- 5). Tie a single knot around the bottom of the last braid. Remove the duct tape.
- 6). Cut a 3-inch strip of hemp rope. Insert the hemp rope through a hole on your fishing related accessory and tie both ends of the hemp rope together in a single knot. Thread the loop onto the braided lanyard. Repeat as required.