- 1). Shake your rug outside and then take it inside and vacuum both sides of the rug thoroughly. Move your rug outside to the driveway or where you have access to a garden hose, and make a rug shampoo solution by mixing two tsp. of mild detergent in a bucket of water.
- 2). Spot clean obvious stains with a stain remover solution. Pretest a small section first to make sure the solution doesn't damage carpet fibers or dye. Apply a small amount of the solution to the stain with a white cloth. Do not scrub the stain, this could cause the stain area to spread. Blot the area instead, and rinse the area with cold water.
- 3). Wet the rug thoroughly with a garden hose, and dip a sponge or mop in the mixed shampoo solution. Apply the soapy suds to the rug, gently wiping (not scrubbing) as you go.
- 4). Rinse the rug thoroughly. Squeeze out any excess water. Rubber window squeegees work well for this task. Squeegee until no more water will come out.
- 5). Lay the rug out flat to dry, and when it feels dry turn it over to let the other side dry thoroughly.