- 1). Cut a 12 foot piece of cord. Find a place where you can stretch it out horizontally. Pull it as taut as possible. If you have no place, hammer one end of the cord into a door or wall. Pull the cord horizontally and hammer the other end into another door or wall.
- 2). Cut 10 foot pieces of cord. Lay each piece over the horizontal cord by folding in half. The ends should all be even. They should be 2 to 3 inches apart. Cut as many pieces as you need to go from one end to the other.
- 3). Pull the top of the first folded piece of cord enough so that you are holding a small loop in front of the horizontal piece. Take the cord from behind the horizontal line and pull it through the loop. Tug on it to make sure it is tight. Repeat this across the vertical cords until you have tied them all onto the horizontal cord.
- 4). Hold the two pieces that make up the end vertical cord in your right hand. This is cord 1.Take one strand from the second vertical cord and hold it in you left hand. This is cord 2. Pull the piece of cord in your left hand over the 2 pieces in your right hand. Bring cord 2 over cord 1. Bring cord 2 behind cord 1 and pull cord 2 through the opening. You should be left with two tails.
- 5). Hold both tails in your right hand. Take the cord under the loop in your left hand. This is cord 1. Hold the other in your right hand. This is cord 2. Cross cord 1 over cord 2. Bring the end of cord 1 behind cord 2 and pull it through. Pull it tightly. Continue to do this until you get to the bottom of the vertical pieces.
- 6). Take the second strand from the second piece of vertical cord and hold it in your right hand. Take the first piece from the third piece of vertical cord and knot it as described in Step 4 to 5.
- 7). Continue to do this until you get to the last piece of vertical cord. Holding the two strands of the last piece, you should have one strand from the cord before. Knot it exactly as you did with the first cord and a single strand from the second cord in Steps 4 to 5.
- 8). Leave enough cord at the bottom to tie around another horizontal cord. Take one end of each double strand and hold it in front of the horizontal piece. Place the other end behind the horizontal piece crisscrossing as you bring the piece behind. Tie knot on top of the horizontal piece from the two crisscrossed ends. Pull as tight as you can.
- 9). Look for any loose ends of cord and cut those off with the knife. Double check that all your knots are tight, especially the ones at the ends.