If you want your ex back, and you think you have to make your ex believe that you only have eyes for them, then you are sadly mistaken.
That's why it's important that, if you want your ex back, that you use jealousy as a tool to ignite the spark of attraction from your ex.
This means you will have to start dating again.
No one wants somebody that doesn't appear to have market value.
It's superficial but it's a fact of human nature.
Jealousy can be a beautiful tool when it is used in the proper context.
Jealousy has started wars and jealousy has incited mad passion.
In the context I am speaking of, jealousy will make your ex mad with passion for you, and eventually come running back into your arms.
If you are truly attempting to get your ex back, then that means you are in no contact with your ex, and this is an excellent thing.
Right now, in the midst of no contact, your ex is thinking that you are sitting at home and pining away for them (which you probably are until you finish reading this).
Imagine the ego blow your ex is going to have when they find out that you've been dating other people (You are in no contact with them, but I promise you they are checking up on you, and someone is going to tell them you have been dating.
As long as the person that tells them this IS NOT you).
The ego is a funny thing.
Once you strike a blow to someone's ego, they usually go out of their way to try and "prove" to themselves that they can have you back if they want.
This is sure to happen when, after thinking you were a wreck without them, they find out you have been living your life and loving it! At least they will think that anyway.
What you need to do right now, is to go to and sign up on as many dating sites as you can.
Start meeting new people and go out on dates.
This is sure to get back to your ex, and when it does, watch how fast your ex re-evaluates their decision to dump you in the first place!
That's why it's important that, if you want your ex back, that you use jealousy as a tool to ignite the spark of attraction from your ex.
This means you will have to start dating again.
No one wants somebody that doesn't appear to have market value.
It's superficial but it's a fact of human nature.
Jealousy can be a beautiful tool when it is used in the proper context.
Jealousy has started wars and jealousy has incited mad passion.
In the context I am speaking of, jealousy will make your ex mad with passion for you, and eventually come running back into your arms.
If you are truly attempting to get your ex back, then that means you are in no contact with your ex, and this is an excellent thing.
Right now, in the midst of no contact, your ex is thinking that you are sitting at home and pining away for them (which you probably are until you finish reading this).
Imagine the ego blow your ex is going to have when they find out that you've been dating other people (You are in no contact with them, but I promise you they are checking up on you, and someone is going to tell them you have been dating.
As long as the person that tells them this IS NOT you).
The ego is a funny thing.
Once you strike a blow to someone's ego, they usually go out of their way to try and "prove" to themselves that they can have you back if they want.
This is sure to happen when, after thinking you were a wreck without them, they find out you have been living your life and loving it! At least they will think that anyway.
What you need to do right now, is to go to and sign up on as many dating sites as you can.
Start meeting new people and go out on dates.
This is sure to get back to your ex, and when it does, watch how fast your ex re-evaluates their decision to dump you in the first place!