Do you want to know how to get your ex boyfriend back? Has your man broken your heart and you want nothing more than to win him over and get him back in your loving arms once again? The truth is that you really can pull this off and many women accomplish this feat quite easily every day all over the world.
So what makes you think that you should be any different? While most women leave it to chance when trying to get their ex boyfriend back, it is wise to take a step back and try to figure out what you can actually do that has been proven to get your ex back.
Some women ask friends and family what they think while others talk to counselors for relationship advice.
Some of the advice that you will receive is good and worthwhile but there are also well meaning individuals that might lead you down the road to ruin with your ex if you aren't careful.
There is a lot of bad information out there and right now when emotions are high it would be very easy to blow what might be your last chance to get your ex boyfriend back if you aren't careful.
Taking it Through - This is usually the advice given by counselors and family member and it often proves to be the most damaging bit of information that you can use if your ex is still emotional and not open to the idea of getting back together.
Yes, once you feel that he is thinking about the possibility of getting back together talking would be great but do you really know what to say to seal the deal and get your ex boyfriend back when he is on the fence.
Trying to talk things out just after a breakup is almost like kryptonite to him and there is a very good chance that asking him to talk will only wind up being a segue to "closure" in his mind.
Now, can you imagine how much it would hurt to think that you are working to get back together and your ex tells you that he is through and not to contact him now that you have closure? Devastating! Seduce Him Back - If the thought of seducing your ex boyfriend to try to get him back has come to your mind or been suggested by one of your girlfriends just try to put this thought right out of your mind.
While it might be possible to seduce your ex and get him in bed the remorse after spending a night with you will probably only harden his resolve to stay broken up with you and be more careful when the time does come to get back together.
Chances are your ex will only realize that your advances were a trap to get him back after you have been together and you will probably wind up feeling even more hurt than you are right now after he walks out the door.
Spare yourself the pain and wait until you are solidly back together before seducing him.
After all, once you really do get him back there will be tons of time to seduce him without the risk of getting hurt yourself.
Being Nice to Him - While you might think that killing him with kindness is a logical thing to do it is actually more of a turn off to your ex boyfriend than you probably realize.
Being overly nice to him reduces your value as a human being and as a woman in your ex's mind since only people with really low self worth would be nice to someone that has broken their heart and rejected them.
Does this make sense to you? Now, this is not to say that you need to be mean to your ex or that being cruel and nasty to him is the attitude to have.
But having a little self confidence and hardening your heart a little bit can go a long way in beginning your journey to actually getting your ex boyfriend back.
So what does work? Well, you have a few tips on some of the things that will probably wind up backfiring on you and one piece of advice that will get you started in the right direction but, the most worthwhile advice that you might take to heart is to remain firm and strong.
Have some self confidence in yourself and learn a little something about what makes men tick.
Learn about male psychology and what innately motivates men to do all sorts of crazy things like go to war, start fist fights with bikers in bars and even change their minds and get back with their ex no matter what it takes.
So what makes you think that you should be any different? While most women leave it to chance when trying to get their ex boyfriend back, it is wise to take a step back and try to figure out what you can actually do that has been proven to get your ex back.
Some women ask friends and family what they think while others talk to counselors for relationship advice.
Some of the advice that you will receive is good and worthwhile but there are also well meaning individuals that might lead you down the road to ruin with your ex if you aren't careful.
There is a lot of bad information out there and right now when emotions are high it would be very easy to blow what might be your last chance to get your ex boyfriend back if you aren't careful.
Taking it Through - This is usually the advice given by counselors and family member and it often proves to be the most damaging bit of information that you can use if your ex is still emotional and not open to the idea of getting back together.
Yes, once you feel that he is thinking about the possibility of getting back together talking would be great but do you really know what to say to seal the deal and get your ex boyfriend back when he is on the fence.
Trying to talk things out just after a breakup is almost like kryptonite to him and there is a very good chance that asking him to talk will only wind up being a segue to "closure" in his mind.
Now, can you imagine how much it would hurt to think that you are working to get back together and your ex tells you that he is through and not to contact him now that you have closure? Devastating! Seduce Him Back - If the thought of seducing your ex boyfriend to try to get him back has come to your mind or been suggested by one of your girlfriends just try to put this thought right out of your mind.
While it might be possible to seduce your ex and get him in bed the remorse after spending a night with you will probably only harden his resolve to stay broken up with you and be more careful when the time does come to get back together.
Chances are your ex will only realize that your advances were a trap to get him back after you have been together and you will probably wind up feeling even more hurt than you are right now after he walks out the door.
Spare yourself the pain and wait until you are solidly back together before seducing him.
After all, once you really do get him back there will be tons of time to seduce him without the risk of getting hurt yourself.
Being Nice to Him - While you might think that killing him with kindness is a logical thing to do it is actually more of a turn off to your ex boyfriend than you probably realize.
Being overly nice to him reduces your value as a human being and as a woman in your ex's mind since only people with really low self worth would be nice to someone that has broken their heart and rejected them.
Does this make sense to you? Now, this is not to say that you need to be mean to your ex or that being cruel and nasty to him is the attitude to have.
But having a little self confidence and hardening your heart a little bit can go a long way in beginning your journey to actually getting your ex boyfriend back.
So what does work? Well, you have a few tips on some of the things that will probably wind up backfiring on you and one piece of advice that will get you started in the right direction but, the most worthwhile advice that you might take to heart is to remain firm and strong.
Have some self confidence in yourself and learn a little something about what makes men tick.
Learn about male psychology and what innately motivates men to do all sorts of crazy things like go to war, start fist fights with bikers in bars and even change their minds and get back with their ex no matter what it takes.