A relationship gives birth to many emotions, mainly love and happiness. When a relationship falls apart many other emotions appear. These are the ones that must be controlled or they will ruin any chance of reconciliation. If you are the one that was dumped, you are feeling a sense of loss and that will make you desperate. The more you loved your man, the more desperate you become. This is when you need to be careful and not drive him away for good. Instead of regretting losing him, you need to make him regret losing you. That will have him begging you to take him back.
Making your ex boyfriend regret losing you, can be as simple as recognizing the difference in the way women and men look at love. As a woman you can dream of having you ex come crying and begging for you to love him again. To you that would show how much he loves you and it would endear him to you. But if you go running to your ex crying and begging, he will see you as a weak and desperate woman that he does not want anything to do with. To get your ex back, you will need to show strength and maturity. If you can show him that you are fine without him, he will be attracted to you again.
When he broke up with you he was expecting you to plead with him to take you back. If you do that, it will give him complete control of the situation. If you want to make him regret losing you, the control will have to be in your hands. To take control away from him all you need to do is tell him you think the breakup is a good idea. This will knock him back on his heels and he will not believe what he is hearing. By doing that you have made yourself seem unavailable to him. This is something he never expected and he will leave you shaking his head in disbelief.
Men always want something they cannot have and now it seems that he cannot have you. This will make you desirable to him again. To show him even more that you are okay with the breakup, go out with friends and have fun. But, do not have any contact with your ex boyfriend. At as if he does not exist and occupy yourself with other things. Seeing you living your life so well with out him will make him regret losing you. It will not be long until you will have him begging you to take him back.
Making your ex boyfriend regret losing you, can be as simple as recognizing the difference in the way women and men look at love. As a woman you can dream of having you ex come crying and begging for you to love him again. To you that would show how much he loves you and it would endear him to you. But if you go running to your ex crying and begging, he will see you as a weak and desperate woman that he does not want anything to do with. To get your ex back, you will need to show strength and maturity. If you can show him that you are fine without him, he will be attracted to you again.
When he broke up with you he was expecting you to plead with him to take you back. If you do that, it will give him complete control of the situation. If you want to make him regret losing you, the control will have to be in your hands. To take control away from him all you need to do is tell him you think the breakup is a good idea. This will knock him back on his heels and he will not believe what he is hearing. By doing that you have made yourself seem unavailable to him. This is something he never expected and he will leave you shaking his head in disbelief.
Men always want something they cannot have and now it seems that he cannot have you. This will make you desirable to him again. To show him even more that you are okay with the breakup, go out with friends and have fun. But, do not have any contact with your ex boyfriend. At as if he does not exist and occupy yourself with other things. Seeing you living your life so well with out him will make him regret losing you. It will not be long until you will have him begging you to take him back.