Travel & Places Fly Fishing

Trout Fishing in California Rivers

    Southern California

    • Many of the most popular angling spots are at lower altitude and are stocked during the winter, normally November through April. Southern California is more dependent on stocking trout than any other part of the state, due mostly to the warmer waters that prevail in the south. Trout prefer brisk, colder water. With generally warmer waters in Southern California, trout fishing opportunities are limited to some larger, deeper impoundments like Big Bear Lake and feeder streams and waters coming out of spillways. Good trout fishing is usually reported along most of the Bishop Creek and Rock Creek drainages, which are heavily stocked weekly during the open season. For fly fishing, the East Walker River is one of the local favorites.

    West Sierra and Central Valley

    • Streams on the west slope of the Sierras are excellent trout streams--particularly Kings River and Kern River (try your luck above the Johnsondale Bridge). The Merced and a handful of other streams have excellent trout angling. There are so many smaller streams in the area it's impossible to list them all here. For the hottest spots and tips, contact the Department of Fish and Game's Region 4 office at 209-243-4005.

    Eastern Sierra

    • Probably the best stream fishing on the east slope is the East Walker River. The East Walker is more accessible than many of the other area streams. Also heavily fished are the Hot Creek and San Joaquin River, west of Mammoth in the Devil's Postpile area.There are more stocked trout streams in the eastern Sierra than you can shake a fishing pole at. Bishop Creek and Convict Creek are two of the most often mentioned for bountiful catches, particularly for fly fishing. Independence Creek and both the upper and lower Pine Creeks are also heavily stocked and fished.

    Northern California

    • There is something about northern California and fly fishing. It seems no one north of Yosemite uses worms, salmon eggs and few use lures. The northern part of the state is for the fly fishing faithful. The Owens River near Mammoth Lakes rates 5 stars from most anglers. It's almost two rivers in one. There are big runs of spawning trout in the upper part of the river and a lot of juveniles in lower end. It is a gentle and meandering stream where it is easy to lose yourself in the surrounding natural beauty while reeling in trout. If solitude and mountainous terrain are more to your liking, the East Fork of the Carson River is remote and only for the hardy. The stream offers a diverse run, from the narrow, fast flow above the Wolf Creek, to the classic freestone beds with riffles and deep runs and pools throughout. The upper reaches are accessible only by four-wheel-drive, horse or on foot. The McCloud River is regarded by many as the premier fishing spot in Northern California. The river runs through a spectacularly wooded terrain and offers native rainbow and large transplanted brown trout that now consider the river home.

    Licenses, Fees and Regulations

    • Freshwater fishing licenses for residents cost $41.50 annually, as of 2010. For non-residents, the cost is $111.85. Anybody over the age of 16 is required to obtain a fishing license. Special exceptions are made for disabled people and those of Indian descent. Also, many fishing seasons are extremely limited and others are open all year, depending on the type of fish and areas. There are also special short-term licenses available. The Department of Fish and Game website has a complete rundown, as do all of the bait shops authorized to sell licenses.

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