If you want to know how to get your woman back then you are going to need to be smart and proceed with caution.
If you haven't already figured it out, women are not the most forgiving people.
They seem to remember mistakes that you have made for a very long time.
If you have done something wrong or she thinks that you did something wrong then you will need to learn how to handle the situation effectively to keep from making things worse.
You will most likely only be given a small window of opportunity to win back your ex, so you need to make sure that you are fully committed to saving the relationship for the right reasons.
Too many times we want what we can't have or want back what we lost.
This is especially true when others find what we had to be of value.
Men get jealous quickly and want back what they once had.
If you were the one that was dumped you might also want your ex back so that you can in turn dump her.
I haven't quite figured out why it is so important to be the one that made the decision to end the relationship.
If any of these are reasons that you want your ex back then you need to learn to move on with your life.
Let go of the relationship and move on to better things.
If you decide that this is the woman that you want to be with and feel that there is a possibility of a bright and productive future with her, then you need to get started on a plan of action.
The good news is that if she was in love with you at some point then those feelings are most likely still there.
Women are typically loyal and even though she may want to move on in her life, the feelings she has for you are still hidden inside.
You just need to find a way to get them to resurface.
You need to move quickly and proceed with care in what you do, because a good woman will be very attractive to other men.
Don't send her flowers.
Too often men believe that sending a woman flowers will fix everything.
Flowers are a great gesture to ask forgiveness when you are wrong about something and you want to say sorry when you are still involved in the relationship.
However, once you have broken up it is going to take a lot more than sending flowers to her.
Writing her a handwritten letter might help to ease some tension if you are sincere, but don't count on that as your only means of getting her back.
The amount of time it takes to get her back really depends on what the cause of the break up was.
If you were taking her for granted then you need to prove to her that you have changed through your actions.
If she left you because you were unfaithful then you are going to need to work extra hard.
If you haven't already figured it out, women are not the most forgiving people.
They seem to remember mistakes that you have made for a very long time.
If you have done something wrong or she thinks that you did something wrong then you will need to learn how to handle the situation effectively to keep from making things worse.
You will most likely only be given a small window of opportunity to win back your ex, so you need to make sure that you are fully committed to saving the relationship for the right reasons.
Too many times we want what we can't have or want back what we lost.
This is especially true when others find what we had to be of value.
Men get jealous quickly and want back what they once had.
If you were the one that was dumped you might also want your ex back so that you can in turn dump her.
I haven't quite figured out why it is so important to be the one that made the decision to end the relationship.
If any of these are reasons that you want your ex back then you need to learn to move on with your life.
Let go of the relationship and move on to better things.
If you decide that this is the woman that you want to be with and feel that there is a possibility of a bright and productive future with her, then you need to get started on a plan of action.
The good news is that if she was in love with you at some point then those feelings are most likely still there.
Women are typically loyal and even though she may want to move on in her life, the feelings she has for you are still hidden inside.
You just need to find a way to get them to resurface.
You need to move quickly and proceed with care in what you do, because a good woman will be very attractive to other men.
Don't send her flowers.
Too often men believe that sending a woman flowers will fix everything.
Flowers are a great gesture to ask forgiveness when you are wrong about something and you want to say sorry when you are still involved in the relationship.
However, once you have broken up it is going to take a lot more than sending flowers to her.
Writing her a handwritten letter might help to ease some tension if you are sincere, but don't count on that as your only means of getting her back.
The amount of time it takes to get her back really depends on what the cause of the break up was.
If you were taking her for granted then you need to prove to her that you have changed through your actions.
If she left you because you were unfaithful then you are going to need to work extra hard.