Every person, every relationship and every break up is different.
However, for some a breakup can be a high water mark, where they realize that they really have made a mistake and they want their ex back.
Even if they did the dumping, they can feel that they made a terrible mistake.
There is always a reason for a split, and sometimes the relationship can be recovered.
Here are some things you can do: 1.
Be pleasant.
You may think that being nice is obvious, but some people don't always understand what it means.
After a split, the person who is the most desperate to get back together again may spend time sending "nice" texts or phone calls to their ex.
They think that because they are not mad, that a pleasant message is ok.
It is not.
The very fact that you are sending a lot of messages, nice or otherwise, is at best a nuisance, and at worse a real pain in the neck! This can just push your ex further away, making reconciliation impossible.
By being pleasant I mean being a friend, and just generally nice whenever you are around your ex.
You cannot change what has happened in the past, but by being pleasant you may well both find the people you were when you first got together.
What if he has a new girlfriend? This is probably the hardest situation to deal with.
Getting him alone will be hard as he's in a new relationship, but it's very important to be nice.
The fact is that 90% of rebound relationships fail.
Therefore, if he still has feelings for you, this is just that, a rebound relationship likely to fail.
If he does not have any feelings for you, then little will prise him away from his new love.
Use it as an opportunity to find out which is true.
Will making my ex jealous get him back? Playing these sorts of games can be unfair on you and the person you are dating as there is no future in it for them.
However, after a split, it is a good idea to give yourself some time and get out and about.
Actually dating someone may be a step too far, but socialising and finding out that there is a life out there and others want you to be a part of it, is good for the self confidence, which in turn is attractive to a lot of men, including your ex.
Once you start feeling good about yourself again, you may well find that you want to move on, and forget about your ex anyway!
However, for some a breakup can be a high water mark, where they realize that they really have made a mistake and they want their ex back.
Even if they did the dumping, they can feel that they made a terrible mistake.
There is always a reason for a split, and sometimes the relationship can be recovered.
Here are some things you can do: 1.
Be pleasant.
You may think that being nice is obvious, but some people don't always understand what it means.
After a split, the person who is the most desperate to get back together again may spend time sending "nice" texts or phone calls to their ex.
They think that because they are not mad, that a pleasant message is ok.
It is not.
The very fact that you are sending a lot of messages, nice or otherwise, is at best a nuisance, and at worse a real pain in the neck! This can just push your ex further away, making reconciliation impossible.
By being pleasant I mean being a friend, and just generally nice whenever you are around your ex.
You cannot change what has happened in the past, but by being pleasant you may well both find the people you were when you first got together.
What if he has a new girlfriend? This is probably the hardest situation to deal with.
Getting him alone will be hard as he's in a new relationship, but it's very important to be nice.
The fact is that 90% of rebound relationships fail.
Therefore, if he still has feelings for you, this is just that, a rebound relationship likely to fail.
If he does not have any feelings for you, then little will prise him away from his new love.
Use it as an opportunity to find out which is true.
Will making my ex jealous get him back? Playing these sorts of games can be unfair on you and the person you are dating as there is no future in it for them.
However, after a split, it is a good idea to give yourself some time and get out and about.
Actually dating someone may be a step too far, but socialising and finding out that there is a life out there and others want you to be a part of it, is good for the self confidence, which in turn is attractive to a lot of men, including your ex.
Once you start feeling good about yourself again, you may well find that you want to move on, and forget about your ex anyway!