You can get him back after a breakup, it is not always easy, but you can get him back.
How you go about it is the key, there are ways to increase your chances greatly if you know what to do, (and what not to do).
Here are some do's and don'ts to get you started.
You want to get him back after a breakup.
You have been constantly calling him, arguing, yelling at him, running him down.
The result: He dreads seeing you or even talking to you and avoids you like the plague.
Best option: You have minimal contact with him, during this time you let the situation cool down and work on clearing your own head.
If you do happen to have contact, you keep it short, but are pleasant, sweet, and open to him.
The result: He does not fear having to see or talk to you.
In fact since he hasn't seen you a lot he is wondering how you are doing, remember he is probably missing you also.
The lines of communication are open.
A big step forward.
You want to get him back after a breakup.
You are hurt and depressed and are constantly letting everyone around you know about it for weeks on end.
The result: Just about everyone does not want to be around you, including him.
Best option: You use the time of minimal contact to recover from this difficult situation.
After your head clears some, you go out with your friends, have some fun, maybe even develop some new and varied interests.
The result: Your friends enjoy your company and he sees that you are still standing on your own two feet.
He realizes you are a woman of substance, and starts wondering why he left.
Another step forward You want to get him back after a breakup.
You are depressed and lonely, you give up and quit caring about your looks.
You start drinking heavily, and just don't care.
The result: You are a mess, nobody wants you.
Best option: You change up your look a little, new hair, new clothes, and go back to being yourself.
The result: You are looking good and showing a lot of the traits that attracted him in the first place.
Another positive step forward.
You have planted the seeds and it is time for them to grow.
Where do you go from here? Turn to a masterful relationship guide that will lead you step by step to not only get him back after a breakup, but to make it permanent.
How you go about it is the key, there are ways to increase your chances greatly if you know what to do, (and what not to do).
Here are some do's and don'ts to get you started.
You want to get him back after a breakup.
You have been constantly calling him, arguing, yelling at him, running him down.
The result: He dreads seeing you or even talking to you and avoids you like the plague.
Best option: You have minimal contact with him, during this time you let the situation cool down and work on clearing your own head.
If you do happen to have contact, you keep it short, but are pleasant, sweet, and open to him.
The result: He does not fear having to see or talk to you.
In fact since he hasn't seen you a lot he is wondering how you are doing, remember he is probably missing you also.
The lines of communication are open.
A big step forward.
You want to get him back after a breakup.
You are hurt and depressed and are constantly letting everyone around you know about it for weeks on end.
The result: Just about everyone does not want to be around you, including him.
Best option: You use the time of minimal contact to recover from this difficult situation.
After your head clears some, you go out with your friends, have some fun, maybe even develop some new and varied interests.
The result: Your friends enjoy your company and he sees that you are still standing on your own two feet.
He realizes you are a woman of substance, and starts wondering why he left.
Another step forward You want to get him back after a breakup.
You are depressed and lonely, you give up and quit caring about your looks.
You start drinking heavily, and just don't care.
The result: You are a mess, nobody wants you.
Best option: You change up your look a little, new hair, new clothes, and go back to being yourself.
The result: You are looking good and showing a lot of the traits that attracted him in the first place.
Another positive step forward.
You have planted the seeds and it is time for them to grow.
Where do you go from here? Turn to a masterful relationship guide that will lead you step by step to not only get him back after a breakup, but to make it permanent.