- 1). Use the Resource link at the bottom of this article to navigate to HP's website. Find the "Search" text box at the top right of the home page.
- 2). Enter the computer model number and the term "specifications" in the search box. A page is displayed with a list of links.
- 3). Click the link that is labeled "Product specifications." In the list of specifications for your model, scroll down to the section labeled "Memory." This lists the amount of memory installed in your HP computer. Take note in the specifications of the total amount of memory the computer can hold.
- 4). Restart the computer and hold the F1 or F10 button until the computer boots into the BIOS. The first screen that is displayed shows the amount of memory installed and the amount of RAM slots available in the computer. Look at the memory slots labeled "Memory bank 1" and "Memory bank 2." This tells you if there is an available RAM slot in the computer.
- 5). Take the maximum amount of memory noted in Step 3 and subtract the amount of memory currently installed. This tells you how much RAM you can install into the HP computer to meet the maximum amount of memory capacity. The amount of slots available tells you the size of the RAM chip you can purchase for the extra slot.