- 1). Switch on the IBM AS/400 machine and wait for MS-DOS to load. MS-DOS should load from the hard disk drive. The default command drive letter will be (C:) for the primary partition.
- 2). Insert a floppy disk into the floppy disk drive of the IBM AS/400 computer.
- 3). Locate the files that you wish to copy. This is achieved by entering the following commands into the MS-DOS command line (without quotation marks). Press enter after each separate command:
"dir" - this will list the contents of the current directory. Within a listing, all directories have "<DIR>" characters next to them to distinguish them from files. All files have extensions associated with them such as ".doc" or ".exe." If you need to change the directory, this is achieved by typing "cd (name of the directory)" -- note that "(name of the directory)" needs to be replaced with the actual name of the directory. - 4). Copy the files to your floppy disk. Any type of file (including random type data) can be copied to a floppy disk, as long as the data is less than or equal to 1.44 MB in size. To copy a file to a floppy disk, type the following commands (without quotation marks) and press enter:
"copy (name of the file) a:\" -- note that "(name of the file)" needs to be replaced with the actual name of the file. If you want to copy the contents of an entire directory, type the following command:
"copy *.* a:\" -- remember that the storage capacity of a standard 3.5-inch floppy disk is 1.44 MB. - 5). Release the floppy disk from the AS/400 machine and insert it into the floppy drive in your PC.
- 6). Create a directory on your PC. In Windows, right-click your mouse on the Windows desktop. A set of options will appear. Left-click on "New" and then left-click on the "Folder" option. This will create a new directory on your desktop. Name the directory "AS400files" so that you know why it exists.
- 7). Copy the files from the floppy diskette to the "AS400files" directory on your Windows desktop. In Windows, double-click on the "My Computer" icon on your desktop. You will see a list of drives. Click on the "A:\" drive and Windows will load the contents of the floppy disk. Select all of the files by clicking on the "Organize" in the window menu, then choose the "Select All" option. After this, drag all of the files from the "A:" drive to the "AS400files" folder on your desktop. This is achieved by pointing the mouse cursor to the file selection, holding the left mouse button down and dragging the cursor to the "AS400files" directory on the desktop. The copying process is now complete.