- 1). Locate an auto-body paint booth that is available for rent. Often the rental company also will rent spray canisters and guns as well. Purchase an acrylic primer and paint for your furniture. You also may want some clear coat as a final finish.
- 2). Remove the doors, handles and hinges from the already prepped aquarium stand. Your stand should be clean and in good repair. Paint doesn't stick well to dirt.
- 3). Cut two metal coat hangers and bend them so they can suspend each door through door handle holes. You need to paint both sides of the door or the doors may warp from being unable to expand the same on both sides.
- 4). Prime your doors and cabinet with the acrylic primer. You may want to use two coats and to allow a couple hours dry time between each coat.
- 5). Paint your doors and cabinet with acrylic based auto paint. Spray your coats evenly and avoid drips. Allow two to three hours dry time between coats.
- 6). Finish with several coats of clear coat. This will make your finish more durable. Allow two to three hours between coats and do not place your aquarium on the stand for three to four days. Allow the paint to harden. Rehang your hardware, hinges and doors.