It can be a very frustrating thing, when the more you try to get your ex boyfriend back, the more you feel him slipping farther away. This might be because you are using the wrong tactics. Men do not like to be pursued. They feel that they should be the one to do the pursuing. So when you co chasing after him, he resents it. He might have told you at the time of the breakup that he needed space or a break and he expects you to respect his wishes. To get your ex back, you will need to do that and use the tactic that never fails.
Showing weakness by crying and begging will never make him want you back. Men respect strong women that they can rely on in a crisis. That is why your best tactic is to leave him alone and let him have the space or break he needs to sort things out. Most women will tell you that men are hard to understand, but that is not true at all. Men only want to be appreciated and happy. Several things might have caused your ex boyfriend to become unhappy about the relationship. Men are much more sensitive than women think and once they are hurt they want to crawl off somewhere and be left alone.
Of course they do not expect you to leave them alone. Even though he says he wants to be left alone, he wants you to try to get him back. This will show him that you love him and he can control you. If you let him know that you would do anything to get him back, he will make you wait forever. The tactic that never fails is one that puts you in control and makes him afraid you are slipping away from him. As long as you stay in touch with him by phone calls, emails or text messages, he knows he is safe from losing you.
If you suddenly cut off all contact with him and act as if you are moving on without him, he will not feel so safe. The best way to take his security away, is to get dressed up so that you are so desirable that you will have him drooling. Then get some friends together and be sure to include a couple of great looking guys. Go out and hit the places your ex hangs out and he will be shocked to see you out having a good time. He thought you would be sitting at home waiting for him to call. Now he will feel you might be slipping away from him.
Within the next few days after seeing you, he will be giving you a call but let him leave a message. You are now in control and wait a few days to call him back. Just treat him like an old friend and let him do most of the talking. When your ex boyfriend tells you that he would like to meet you for coffee and talk things over, hesitate and then tell him you will have to think about it and call him back. Do not keep him waiting so long that he gets discouraged, just a couple of days and then agree to meet him.
Showing weakness by crying and begging will never make him want you back. Men respect strong women that they can rely on in a crisis. That is why your best tactic is to leave him alone and let him have the space or break he needs to sort things out. Most women will tell you that men are hard to understand, but that is not true at all. Men only want to be appreciated and happy. Several things might have caused your ex boyfriend to become unhappy about the relationship. Men are much more sensitive than women think and once they are hurt they want to crawl off somewhere and be left alone.
Of course they do not expect you to leave them alone. Even though he says he wants to be left alone, he wants you to try to get him back. This will show him that you love him and he can control you. If you let him know that you would do anything to get him back, he will make you wait forever. The tactic that never fails is one that puts you in control and makes him afraid you are slipping away from him. As long as you stay in touch with him by phone calls, emails or text messages, he knows he is safe from losing you.
If you suddenly cut off all contact with him and act as if you are moving on without him, he will not feel so safe. The best way to take his security away, is to get dressed up so that you are so desirable that you will have him drooling. Then get some friends together and be sure to include a couple of great looking guys. Go out and hit the places your ex hangs out and he will be shocked to see you out having a good time. He thought you would be sitting at home waiting for him to call. Now he will feel you might be slipping away from him.
Within the next few days after seeing you, he will be giving you a call but let him leave a message. You are now in control and wait a few days to call him back. Just treat him like an old friend and let him do most of the talking. When your ex boyfriend tells you that he would like to meet you for coffee and talk things over, hesitate and then tell him you will have to think about it and call him back. Do not keep him waiting so long that he gets discouraged, just a couple of days and then agree to meet him.