Have you lost the love of your life? Did you fall in love and think you were with your soul mate? Would you like to find a way to get over him? Perhaps it's time to fall out of love.
Getting over a breakup, separation, or a divorce from someone you love can take time.
It may feel like you will never love anyone else again, but there are ways you can make this transition a lot easier.
Here are some steps to help you: 1.
Don't compare other people to him.
Comparisons will slow your healing process.
You may be thinking that no one measures up.
It's time to stop doing that.
You can learn to change your focus and put your attention on other things.
Try it.
Get some distance between the two of you.
Falling out of love takes getting some distance from him.
Delete his address from your email, delete his phone number, and stay away from conversations with him.
Do not look for him online, drive by his house, or show up at the restaurants or other places where you know he will be.
Keep your dignity - don't just "accidentally" run into him.
Remove your memorabilia about him.
To get over him, take down the pictures, put away the little gifts and mementoes, and find a way to restore or create a new space that affirms you.
It's time for your life to begin.
Make a list of all his bad traits.
When you're having trouble getting over him, it may be hard to remember anything that did not work.
Call your friends and the people who knew him.
Sit down and think about why this relationship was not meant to be.
Make a list of facts, such as the lack of mutual feelings for each other.
You deserve to be the Number One person in someone's life - not just another one of their friends.
Remember that your selective memory is tricky.
Falling out of love requires that you keep your memories realistic.
Some people cannot remember what their differences were that caused them to split.
We trick our memories into believing what we want.
To only remember the illusion of what a perfect relationship it was is not being truthful.
Look for the gift.
Getting over him will take some maturity.
Every relationship comes to you for a reason.
If your lover left you because you have problems with addictions, job stability, temper, or controlling behavior, this is the time to DO something for yourself.
Use your pain as the catalyst to get help.
What do you really want? Part of getting over him can start with discovering what you clearly want and need in a relationship.
Look for what was missing in your past togetherness and write the qualities down that you want and need in another.
What is it that is necessary for you to be happy, feel connected, and admire and respect someone? 8.
Mix and mingle with your interests and your friends.
In order to get over him you have to get into your new life, your fun activities, and your time with friends.
The more you sit at home and brood, the more depressed and obsessed you will become.
You need music, dancing, conversations, ball games, beaches, sunshine and outdoor time.
You need an exchange of energy with positive people.
Getting over him means you are ready to end your unhappiness and begin your new life.
Getting over a breakup, separation, or a divorce from someone you love can take time.
It may feel like you will never love anyone else again, but there are ways you can make this transition a lot easier.
Here are some steps to help you: 1.
Don't compare other people to him.
Comparisons will slow your healing process.
You may be thinking that no one measures up.
It's time to stop doing that.
You can learn to change your focus and put your attention on other things.
Try it.
Get some distance between the two of you.
Falling out of love takes getting some distance from him.
Delete his address from your email, delete his phone number, and stay away from conversations with him.
Do not look for him online, drive by his house, or show up at the restaurants or other places where you know he will be.
Keep your dignity - don't just "accidentally" run into him.
Remove your memorabilia about him.
To get over him, take down the pictures, put away the little gifts and mementoes, and find a way to restore or create a new space that affirms you.
It's time for your life to begin.
Make a list of all his bad traits.
When you're having trouble getting over him, it may be hard to remember anything that did not work.
Call your friends and the people who knew him.
Sit down and think about why this relationship was not meant to be.
Make a list of facts, such as the lack of mutual feelings for each other.
You deserve to be the Number One person in someone's life - not just another one of their friends.
Remember that your selective memory is tricky.
Falling out of love requires that you keep your memories realistic.
Some people cannot remember what their differences were that caused them to split.
We trick our memories into believing what we want.
To only remember the illusion of what a perfect relationship it was is not being truthful.
Look for the gift.
Getting over him will take some maturity.
Every relationship comes to you for a reason.
If your lover left you because you have problems with addictions, job stability, temper, or controlling behavior, this is the time to DO something for yourself.
Use your pain as the catalyst to get help.
What do you really want? Part of getting over him can start with discovering what you clearly want and need in a relationship.
Look for what was missing in your past togetherness and write the qualities down that you want and need in another.
What is it that is necessary for you to be happy, feel connected, and admire and respect someone? 8.
Mix and mingle with your interests and your friends.
In order to get over him you have to get into your new life, your fun activities, and your time with friends.
The more you sit at home and brood, the more depressed and obsessed you will become.
You need music, dancing, conversations, ball games, beaches, sunshine and outdoor time.
You need an exchange of energy with positive people.
Getting over him means you are ready to end your unhappiness and begin your new life.