- 1). Follow the pressure washer detergent package's instructions for mixing with water. Soap solutions usually require dilution for use in a pressure washer.
- 2). Push the small end of the filter siphon tube into the detergent container so it touches the bottom of the container.
- 3). Hold the pressure washer wand in one hand and push the nozzle forward with the other hand. This sets the adjustable nozzle on a low-pressure mode for detergent application.
- 4). Pull the brass quick-connect hose nozzle backward on the pressure washer. Push a garden hose into the opening and release the quick connector to fasten the hose in the pressure washer.
- 5). Turn the garden hose water faucet counterclockwise to turn the water flow on.
- 6). Press the “On/Off” toggle switch to the “On” position to turn the pressure washer on.
- 7). Point the wand at the building, house or other surface you intend to clean, and spray the soap solution from the bottom upward.
- 8). Turn the pressure washer to the “Off” position.
- 9). Pull the detergent siphon hose out of the container.
- 10
Follow the container instructions to determine how long the soap solution should sit on a surface to clean or remove stains before you rinse it. - 11
Turn the nozzle on the wand clockwise to stop the soap solution from flowing. - 12
Turn the pressure washer to the “On” position and rinse the soap solution from top to bottom on the structure.