- 1). Install 1 1/4-inch J-molding and 1 1/4-inch starter strips around the doors, windows, outlets and soffits by running a 2-inch wood nail in the center of every other mounting hole of the trim work with a claw hammer. Leave a 1/16-inch gap between the nail head and surface of the mounting flange. Cut J-molding and starter strip with a pair of straight-cut aviation snips.
- 2). Install the corner trim on each inside and outside corner of the house using the same methods you used for installing the J-molding and starter strip.
- 3). Measure the height between the bottom of the Vytec siding and the center of the mounting holes near the top of the siding with a tape measure.
- 4). Measure up from the starter strip and mark the siding height on the side of the house with a pencil. Place a second mark on the other end of the wall. Snap a line between the two marks with a chalk box.
- 5). Measure the distance between the two end corners. Mark the distance on a length of Vytec siding with a pencil. Draw a line across the front of the siding by aligning one edge of the carpenter's square with the pencil mark and pulling the pencil along the aligned edge.
- 6). Cut the length of Vytec siding with a circular and a fine-toothed plywood blade attached to the circular saw. Mount the blade on the circular backwards.
- 7). Place the cut length of siding face down on a stable work surface. Measure in from the end of the siding and place a mark 3/4 inch in from the end of the siding with a permanent marker. Cut the foam insulation from the back of the siding with a utility knife.
- 8). Hold the center of one corner mounting hole on the chalk line placed on the side of the house. Run a 2-inch wood nail through the aligned mounting hole with the claw hammer. Move to the other corner of the siding and repeat the process. Place an additional nail every other mounting hole to secure the siding to the house.
- 9). Move up the height of the siding and place a second chalk line with a chalk box.
- 10
Cut and install the Vytec siding as described until you reach the last piece of trim on the wall. - 11
Measure the height for the last length of siding. Mark and cut the siding to the correct height. - 12
Place snap locks every 6 inches along the cut end of the siding with a snap lock tool. - 13
Hook the bottom lip of the cut siding on the top of the installed siding. Push the snap lock end of the siding into the J-channel running along the soffit.