- 1). Use the band saw to cut four dowel pieces, 20 inches in length each.
- 2). Cut two 6-foot sections of 2-by-2-inch planks on the table saw.
- 3). Angle one end of each plank. Set the angle of the table saw blade to cut at a 45-degree angle from the saw's table (rather than the standard 90-degree placement). Saw one end of each long plank; this will allow the top of the ladder to rest against a wall and extend downward at an angle.
- 4). Measure and draw straight two lines down the middle of the planks; these will serve as the guide for attaching the rungs to the center of the ladder.
- 5). Lay out the ladder shape on the floor for assembly. Make sure the angled ends of the plank are lined up and parallel to one another. Position the four dowel pieces between the planks, running them perpendicular to them. Lay each dowel at least a foot and a half away from the others and position the bottom dowel (the one on the end opposite the angled cuts on the planks) at least two feet from the bottom.
- 6). Screw the rungs in place. Drive the screws from the outside of the planks into the centers of the dowels. Attach all the dowels on one side to one of the planks before screwing in any of the dowels on the other side.
- 7). Sand the wood of the planks with a power sander. Rub down the dowels by hand by wrapping sandpaper around them.
- 8). Stain and varnish or paint the wood as desired.