Home & Garden: How to Adjust the Water Chemistry pH on an Above Ground Pool Salt Water System

How to Adjust the Water Chemistry pH on an Above Ground Pool Salt Water System

Properly maintained pool chemical balance with a salt water system improves the disinfection process of the system. The pH balance of the water influences the activity of the disinfection process, amount of corrosion on plumbing and the comfort of swimming in the water. Check pH balance at least onc

Home & Garden: Vinyl Pool Installation

Vinyl Pool Installation

A swimming pool is a great addition to your home. Whether you install an above ground or in-ground pool depends entirely on your preferences. In many instances, either style of pool is going to have a vinyl pool liner. You can install a vinyl pool as a do-it-yourself project, but it does take specia

Home & Garden: Facts About Sta-Rite Cleaners

Facts About Sta-Rite Cleaners

Sta-rite cleaners are one of the most popular pool filtration systems available in the market. The popularity of the brand is attributed to the high quality, affordable and durable products they offer. These cleaners use an innovative technology for ultra capacity filtration, which is not known in a

Home & Garden: Homemade Pond Heaters

Homemade Pond Heaters

A backyard pond is a relaxing place to go after a hard day's work. The goldfish crowding close by, the splash of a turtle, the flowers in and around the pond all are soothing reminders that there is more to life than a keyboard in a cubicle. However, even in the warmest climates, winter arrives and

Home & Garden: Reasons to Replace Your Spa Or Hot Tub Cover

Reasons to Replace Your Spa Or Hot Tub Cover

We always encourage good maintenance of your spa and it's cover. Here is some information that you may find helpful in extending the life of your equipment. The typical spa cover is replaced every two years, either due to cosmetics or other factors.

Home & Garden: Different Types of Swimming Pool Filters

Different Types of Swimming Pool Filters

Pool filter and pumps are important accessories for your swimming pool. Outdoor swimming pools always become dirty as twigs and leaves fall on it frequently. Moreover, the mustard algae formation in water is triggered during humid weather. Hence, pool owners must keep the water clean through water t

Home & Garden: Kinds of Covers for Hot Tubs

Kinds of Covers for Hot Tubs

Covers protect an outdoor spa from debris and heat loss when the hot tub is not in use. The covers fit over the top of the unit and come in a variety of materials and sizes to fit the specific model hot tub. Homeowners can select a spa cover that is lightweight and easy to remove or one that hinges

Home & Garden: How To Make A Salt Water Spa For Free

How To Make A Salt Water Spa For Free

First we should look at the advantages of using salt water so you can see why having a salt water system in your hot tub is a good idea. First and foremost salt water is much softer on the skin and has less drying effects than traditional sanitizers like bromine or chlorine. The addition of salt int

Home & Garden: What Do You Need to Make Your Own Inground Pool?

What Do You Need to Make Your Own Inground Pool?

Having an in-ground swimming pool in your backyard is an excellent way to ensure fun for the whole family. In-ground swimming pools, though, are never cheap. At time of publication even a basic 16-by-32-foot vinyl liner in-ground pool cost about $17,000. A way around the high cost of having an in-gr

Home & Garden: How to Connect an Outdoor Faucet in the Garden

How to Connect an Outdoor Faucet in the Garden

An outdoor faucet provides a convenient water supply for irrigating the garden. Whether the faucet is mounted on the exterior wall of the house or in the garden with an underground pipe connected to the house, you still need a way to circulate the water in the garden. Virtually all outdoor faucets a

Home & Garden: How to Make a Clay Water Fountain

How to Make a Clay Water Fountain

Your artistic talent and creativity gets a chance to shine with this project. Making a water fountain out of clay in an activity that both kids and adults can enjoy.

Home & Garden: How to Diagnose a Leak in Your Underground Swimming Pool

How to Diagnose a Leak in Your Underground Swimming Pool

Think you have a leak in your pool but not sure how to determine where it is? Over time, most pools will develop a leak somewhere. Luckily, there are a few easy steps you can take to locate the leak in your pool.

Home & Garden: How to Calculate Hydraulic Cylinder Speeds

How to Calculate Hydraulic Cylinder Speeds

Hydraulic cylinders convert the pressure and flow of a hydraulic fluid into proportional force and linear displacement of a piston in the cylinder. Unlike air, hydraulic fluid is incompressible, which means that whatever volume of fluid the hydraulic pump can push is the exact amount that the cylin

Home & Garden: Inexpensive Aquarium Algae Removal Tools

Inexpensive Aquarium Algae Removal Tools

The battle against algae can be frustrating as well as expensive. Rather than spend a lot of money on specialty tools from the pet shop, try these commonly available items around your home. They work quite well and the price is right for anyone.

Home & Garden: How to Protect an Outdoor Faucet

How to Protect an Outdoor Faucet

Outdoor faucets provide a water supply for sprinklers and hoses for maintenance and cleaning projects. Faucets are vulnerable to the weather elements, especially ice and snow in the winter. Protect your outdoor faucet from wear and tear with some preparation and weather awareness.

Home & Garden: 4 Key Benefits of Hot Tub Filters

4 Key Benefits of Hot Tub Filters

Hot tubs are essential parts of spas. No matter where you set your spa up - as a business unit or at home for relaxation, you would have a hot tub as an integral part of it. And as a hot tub owner, you would want to keep the water of the best quality in spite of multiple baths and multiple sessions,