Home & Garden: Where To Find Hot Tubs For Sale

Where To Find Hot Tubs For Sale

If you are searching for hot tubs for sale, it is ideal way to find the best deal and the lowest price possible, but without sacrificing the quality as well. Even if you are not yet ready to purchase one, you can keep this information for reference if you will be purchasing later on.

Home & Garden: How to Detect a Leak in the Acrylic Ring of a Vinyl Pool

How to Detect a Leak in the Acrylic Ring of a Vinyl Pool

A vinyl pool that has an acrylic ring around the base is more stable than pools using rubber or other materials. But a leak in the acrylic ring cannot be repaired until it has been found. To find the leak in the acrylic ring, add pool dye tester liquid to the water in the pool. The concentrated dye

Home & Garden: How to Expand a Koi Pond

How to Expand a Koi Pond

Many homeowners who start with a modest koi pond enjoy it so much they begin thinking about a larger pond. Enlarging the pond also may become necessary if the koi grow and reach a size too large for the space. There is no simple way to expand a koi pond. In fact, the process is closer to removing th

Home & Garden: Polaris Pool Cleaners - Important Facts You Should Know

Polaris Pool Cleaners - Important Facts You Should Know

If you were searching for information about pool cleaners you might have stumbled upon Polaris cleaners. They are produced by the Polaris swimming Pool Cleaner Company. This article covers some important facts that will broaden your knowledge about this cleaning company and why it might be a good id

Home & Garden: Jandy Pool Heater Instructions

Jandy Pool Heater Instructions

A Jandy pool heater allows you to enjoy your pool in almost any weather by adjusting the water’s temperature to your liking. These gas heaters have a main heating unit that sits outside of the pool with connectors that pump water into the unit for heating and then back into the pool. Heater mo

Home & Garden: Vertical Wall: Greenery and Wall Pots

Vertical Wall: Greenery and Wall Pots

A wall or a fence are both obvious choices for gaining privacy, marking bounaries and creating barriers. Not all walls and fences have to be typical or boring. Once you start investigating, you'll find that there are many materials and styles you can use. But if you've always dreamed of a

Home & Garden: Ruby Shark

Ruby Shark

A profile and photo of the Ruby Shark, Epalzeorhynchos frenatus, including habitat, care, feeding, and breeding.

Home & Garden: How to Buy a Swimming Pool Fence Online

How to Buy a Swimming Pool Fence Online

Swimming pool fences give owners a sense of protection and minimize the risk of accidental drowning. Government statistics in California, Florida, and Arizona indicate that drowning is the number one cause of accidental death for children under 5 years old. A secure fence around the perimeter of a p

Home & Garden: How to Build an Easy Backyard Fire Pit

How to Build an Easy Backyard Fire Pit

A backyard fire pit provides dozens of ideas for entertaining, including roasting marshmallows with your family and staying warm with friends. Mass-produced fire rings and pits are not only pricey, but contain the same pieces available from any home and garden or hardware store. You can easily build

Home & Garden: lux


A definition of the aquarium term lux.

Home & Garden: How to Acid Wash Pool Filters

How to Acid Wash Pool Filters

Pool filters accumulate oils, dirt and algae over time. Regular filter cleaner works to remove most buildup from pool filters, but a soak in muriatic acid will remove tough debris and algae. Always clean your filter before soaking, as any oil present on the filter will react with the acid and ruin i

Home & Garden: Instructions for Building Above Ground Pools

Instructions for Building Above Ground Pools

You have decided to install an above ground pool in your backyard. These pools are very basic in design principal and very straightforward in their construction. But getting your pool into place will require concentration and hard work--and more than a little time, depending on the size of the pool.

Home & Garden: How to Maintain the Chemical Balance in In-Ground Swimming Pools

How to Maintain the Chemical Balance in In-Ground Swimming Pools

Maintaining the chemicals in your pool is not difficult to do but you must monitor the balances once a week and in the warmer months every few days. Your local pool store will have every chemical and chemical testing kit that you will need to maintain your pool all year long. Swimming pools are expe

Home & Garden: Frozen Fish Foods

Frozen Fish Foods

Live foods are an ideal food for your fish, and are particularly important when breeding fish. Unfortunately live foods are not always available. When live foods can't be provided, frozen foods are a great alternative. Frozen foods are available at all pet shops, can be kept on hand, and provid

Home & Garden: How to Build a Pondless Waterfall Tank-Type

How to Build a Pondless Waterfall Tank-Type

A tank-type pondless waterfall is a wonderful idea as a water feature for a small yard. The waterfall adds movement and sound but will not take up much room. Without a pond, there is less maintenance and less risk of accidents, which is perfect for homes with small children. The tank may be any type

Home & Garden: How to Lower the pH in a Hot Tub

How to Lower the pH in a Hot Tub

The recommended pH level for your hot tub is 7.2 to 7.8. At this range the chlorine is most effective and the spa is most comfortable for bathers. At higher or lower pH levels the water is irritating to the eyes and skin of bathers and spa equipment. How often you need to adjust the pH depends on th

Home & Garden: Intex Pool Problems

Intex Pool Problems

Intex pools make great backyard pools for families with limited space. Generally referred to as pop-up pools, the water within the pools hold up the side walls, and they are easy to disassemble and put away in the off season. But the vinyl and plastic construction of the pools and parts mean owners

Home & Garden: Pros & Cons of the Mimosa Tree

Pros & Cons of the Mimosa Tree

The mimosa, also known as the silk tree, is a small to medium-sized tree that grows between 10 and 50 feet tall. While originally native to Asia, it now grows throughout much of the United States.

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