Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Finding the Sauna Parts You Need

Owning a sauna provides a great opportunity to cleanse your body and improve your overall well being.
The best sauna is still the traditional wood fired Finnish sauna that allows you to get the full benefit of both a dry and steam sauna.
If you live in the upper Midwest close to a lake or river than the benefits are even better.
There is nothing better than heating up the sauna and getting a good sweat then opening the door and taking a dunk in the lake or creek.
Your body will never be cleaner and you will never feel more alive.
Finding parts necessary to build a good Finnish sauna used to be pretty tough unless you lived in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, the Arrowhead of Minnesota or along Wisconsin's Lake Superior shoreline.
Now days many sauna parts can be easily found on the Internet.
Quality sauna stove manufactures have discovered that the people who live outside the Midwest also wanted the benefits of owning a sauna.
As a result their websites now sell sauna parts directly to the public across the world.
If you have a home that has a basement or you are building a new home you can build a traditional style sauna using an electrical sauna stove.
In most cases you will have to employ both a plumber and an electrician during the construction process.
You will need a drain and most likely a 220 volt electrical connection.
Finding sauna parts for your project is really quite easy.
You can order just about any type of wood you need to frame your new sauna from the local lumberyard.
All the rest of your sauna parts including the controls, light fixtures, door and stove are all available directly from a manufacture.
The new trend in saunas comes in the form of a dry sauna that uses infrared sauna heat panels.
Most people do not have the opportunity to build and operate a traditional sauna at their home.
The new infrared saunas will provide most of the benefits of a traditional right in your own home.
These small light weight dry saunas do not require plumbing or special electrical connections.
Most infrared heat sources only require a regular household electrical outlet to operate.
Today all major infrared sauna manufactures sell sauna parts and complete kits directly from their websites.
If you have an infrared sauna you may find that getting the right replacement parts for older models is a problem.
Out of stock and discontinued sauna parts are in many cases just not available.
This is especially true for the many sauna manufactures that have gone bankrupt or have sauna parts manufactures that are no longer in business.
Saunas with older digital controls especially dual control frequently failed because they were not design to operate in hot humid environments.
In most cases if your manufacture does not have the sauna parts that you need you may be able to contact the part manufacture to see if they have any available.
No matter what type of sauna you own sooner or later you are going to need replacement sauna parts.
The Internet is about the best place to find what you need.
Even the online auction sites such as eBay offer the opportunity to find the sauna parts that you need.
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