- 1). Remove the pool filter cartridge from its housing. This is generally found near the bottom of the pool.
- 2). Rinse out the filter with a garden hose with a spray nozzle attachment beginning at the top of the filter and working your way down. This will help ensure that any sediment or grit found at the top of the filter will work its way down with the rest of the debris.
- 3). Pour five gallons of water and one cup of liquid dish soap into a large plastic bucket. Stir the ingredients and place the filter into the bucket.
- 4). Allow the filter to soak overnight.
- 5). Rinse the filter out with the garden hose the next morning. Make sure to remove all of the soapy water from the filter cartridge.
- 6). Place the filter cartridge back into its housing. The pool filter should be cleaned at least once a summer, or more often if there has been heavy traffic in the pool or if it contains large amount of debris or dirt.