- The swimming pool filter is the first line of defense for keeping the pool in good working order. It is also the most common repair to be made. Filters are relatively inexpensive to repair or change, but the cost of neglecting them can mount quickly.
There are three primary types of filters used in swimming pools--cartridge filters, diatomaceous earth filters and sand filters. Make note of the pool pressure when the filter is cleaned or replaced, and monitor the pressure periodically. When the water pressure climbs to 10 pounds above the original pressure, it is time to backwash and/or change the filter. - If water fails to circulate properly in your pool, a worn-out pump may be to blame. The water pump is one of the most critical elements of a swimming pool and can also be one of the most expensive components to replace. Because of the high costs, it is usually recommended to repair the existing pump rather than replace it. If you do need to completely replace the pump, check the nameplate to make sure you replace it with a pump of the same horsepower.
The most common repair needed for pumps is with the threaded pipe fitting that carries water back out of the pump. This fitting can develop leaks over time, which will either drip or spray when there is a problem. This fitting can be replaced for $10 and will restore the water pressure the pump needs.
If water is not making it into the pump, check the skimmer baskets for large debris. If none can be found, check the pool filter. If either of these areas becomes clogged, water will not reach the pump and the motor could potentially burn out. - An inefficient heater can dramatically increase utility bills. A heater that goes out completely can ruin any swim, even if the outside air temperature is warm. If the water in the pool seems too cold, start by checking the thermostat. This is the most common, and least expensive, of the heating-related repairs. If the thermostat is working fine, try to replace the "high limit switch," which may be causing the heater to shut off prematurely. If both of these are in good working order and the pool water is still cold, it could be that the water heater is simply too small for the pool.
Pool Filters
Water Pump
Pool Water Heater