Home & Garden: Water Features for a Swimming Pool

Water Features for a Swimming Pool

Fountains come in a variety of styles, so you should be able to find one that fits the design of your pool.fountain 2 image by horacio villamonte from Fotolia.comFor homeowners who find their backyard swimming pool boring, adding a water feature can instantly add drama or interest to...

Home & Garden: The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act

The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act

Three years after its introduction by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) Florida, countless testimonials, and much activism, the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act was approved by Congress. It was incorporated into the omnibus energy bill approved by Congress on December 19, 2007 and signe

Home & Garden: Brazilian Pennywort

Brazilian Pennywort

Hydrocotyle leucocephala, also known as Brazilian Ivy or Pennywort, is a very popular and easy to grow aquarium plant. Learn how to grow and care for it.

Home & Garden: How to Get Rid of Turtles in My Pond

How to Get Rid of Turtles in My Pond

While turtles can make for good pond pets, they also can often cause trouble and have to be removed. Snapping turtles will feed on baby ducks, geese, koi and other fish. Moreover, snapping turtles can bite humans, dogs and other animals, inflicting serious wounds. If turtles are wreaking havoc in y

Home & Garden: How to Clean an Aboveground Pool That Has Not Been Maintained

How to Clean an Aboveground Pool That Has Not Been Maintained

An aboveground pool needs much of the same careful maintenance as an inground pool if you want to keep the backyard fun going on hot summer days. So if you have been away from home or otherwise occupied, you may find your pool dirty or in disrepair. Here's how to clean it up.

Home & Garden: Guiness World Records for Swimming, Pools

Guiness World Records for Swimming, Pools

Ever wonder where the largest pool is located? How about the deepest diving pool? The answers to these and other pool- and swim-related facts and trivia, courtesy of the Guiness World Records, will satisfy your thirst for knowledge and settle a few bar bets. Learn and become enlightened.

Home & Garden: Pool Fencing - Safety for Your Swimming Pools

Pool Fencing - Safety for Your Swimming Pools

Swimming pools always attract us as we can enjoy and make fun and excitement in water. But along with playing you need to be very cautious to avoid any accidents. Pools in your home or at any other outdoor places requires a fencing compulsorily. Whether it is ground level or up ground or in ground,

Home & Garden: Why Do Hot Tub Covers Get Heavy?

Why Do Hot Tub Covers Get Heavy?

Have you ever gone to open your hot tub and suddenly realized that you do not remember the cover being so heavy? This is a very common occurrence due to the unstoppable problem that exists with virtually all hot tub covers currently for sale. There may not be much that you can do about it but learn

Home & Garden: Hot Tubs - Handle With Care - Balance the Water

Hot Tubs - Handle With Care - Balance the Water

Balanced water is important to keep your hot tub comfortable and safe for use. Unbalanced water can lead to user discomfort and damage to the equipment. In this article Terry explains the most effective and simplest way to achieve proper water balance.

Home & Garden: Top Tips in Caring For Your Pool

Top Tips in Caring For Your Pool

Having a swimming pool in your very own property can be considered a luxury. In order to sustain the benefits from having this home feature, it must be properly cared for. A rigid maintenance routine has to be implemented so your pool would always be in its tiptop shape. At the same time, you reduce

Home & Garden: Why Do Things Sink in Water?

Why Do Things Sink in Water?

Whether an item sinks or floats in water depends on two main factors -- weight and density. For example, boats float, but in certain circumstances, even a boat with no leaks can easily sink if it weighs too much relative to its size.

Home & Garden: Effectiveness of Spa Chemicals

Effectiveness of Spa Chemicals

It is important to choose the right elements to keep the swimming pool or spa clean with fresh quality water. There is a plethora of spa chemicals in the market which cater to such purposes. Quality spa chemicals are preferred for a longer lasting effect that also maintains the condition of the spa

Home & Garden: How to Build a Crawfish Pond in Louisiana

How to Build a Crawfish Pond in Louisiana

Crawfish farming enjoys a long history in the state of Louisiana, which produces the vast majority of the national output of crawfish. The state naturally supports approximately 30 species of crawfish and residents have taken advantage of this food resource for centuries. The suitability of Louisian

Home & Garden: How to Fix a Pool Liner Corner That Has Popped Out

How to Fix a Pool Liner Corner That Has Popped Out

Pool liners are one of the most important components of both in-ground and above-ground pool systems. The liner is a thin, waterproof layer that prevents the pool water from leaking into the surrounding soil. There are two basic types of pool liners: beaded and overlap. Although it is rare, the top

Home & Garden: DIY Fish Pond With No Liner

DIY Fish Pond With No Liner

A backyard pond can increase the value of your property and provide a welcome escape from everyday life. To maximize its appeal, make your pond reflect the design of your house. Give it a brick border, to match brick walls, wood trim, mirror a rear deck, or plants that blend with the landscaping. Yo

Home & Garden: How to Use Spar Varnish As a Water Fountain Finish

How to Use Spar Varnish As a Water Fountain Finish

Spar varnish, sometimes referred to as marine varnish, originally was designed for use on boats, specifically the spars on sailboats. Spars are the poles, typically made from wood, metal or carbon fiber, to which the sails are secured. Spar varnish provides an almost impermeable waterproof finish th

Home & Garden: How to Bleed a Pool Pump

How to Bleed a Pool Pump

All pools, whether they are diatomaceous earth, sand or cartridge filters, have a pool pump. The pump is the motor for the filter that provides the suction power from the pool skimmer through the filter and back out the pool again. If the pool filter's pressure gauge is reading 8 to 10 psi above its

Home & Garden: DIY Easy Pond Filters

DIY Easy Pond Filters

One of the most important parts of pond care is keeping the water clean and free from wastes. The best way to do this is by installing a biological-mechanical filter. These types of filters treat your pond water in two ways: by filtering and trapping out solid wastes and serving as a breeding ground

Home & Garden: How to Repair a Vinyl Hot Tub Cover

How to Repair a Vinyl Hot Tub Cover

A vinyl hot tub cover protects a hot tub by keeping debris out and saves energy by keeping the water heated when not in use. Although vinyl is a durable material, after a period of time the cover can incur damage. If the damage is a small hole or tear, you do not have to send it to the manufacturer