- 1). Test the pH level of the water with a pH test kit. If the pH level is below 7.19, raise the pH with soda ash. If the pH is above 7.81, lower the pH with sodium bisulphate or muriatic acid.
- 2). Increase pH with soda ash or sodium carbonate. Add soda ash at a rate of ¼ pound per 10,000 gallons of pool water. Add sodium carbonate at a rate of ½ pound per 10,000 gallons of pool water. Read the label on the specific product label to determine the amount of the product needed to raise the pH the desired amount.
- 3). Fill a bucket one half full of water. Add the chemicals to the above ground pool and distribute the mixture around the perimeter of the pool by walking around the pool as you pour the contents of the bucket into the pool water. If the above ground pool does not have a deck, hold the bucket over the side of the pool and pour close the water to prevent splashing.
- 4). Decrease pH with sodium bisulphate or muriatic acid. Add sodium bisulphate at a rate of 20 ounces per 10,000 gallons of pool water. Add muriatic acid at a rate of 16 fluid ounces per 10,000 gallons of pool water. Read the label on the specific product label to determine the amount of the product needed to raise the pH the desired amount.
- 5). Fill a bucket one half full of water. Add the chemicals to the above ground pool and distribute the mixture around the perimeter of the pool by walking around the pool as you pour the contents of the bucket into the pool water. If the above ground pool does not have a deck, hold the bucket over the side of the pool and pour close the water to prevent splashing.