Home & Garden: hard water

hard water

A definition of the aquarium term hard water.

Home & Garden: How to Keep Your Aquarium Fish Healthy

How to Keep Your Aquarium Fish Healthy

When fish are sick, they can't tell you what is wrong. If your fish appear to be sick, this resource will help you diagnose and treat them. You'll also find tips to prevent future illness.

Home & Garden: Pros & Cons of Fireplace Inserts

Pros & Cons of Fireplace Inserts

A fireplace insert slides into a standard masonry fireplace to add efficiency to your home heating. Several types of inserts come in a variety of styles and sizes to fit your home.

Home & Garden: Inground Pool Cleaning Tips

Inground Pool Cleaning Tips

Having a swimming pool at your back door can provide hours of entertainment, but for maximum enjoyment, you must spend time maintaining the pool. Failing to keep a pool clean can cause swimmer's become ill due to high amounts of bacteria or algae in the water, and can also damage the pool's surface

Home & Garden: A Round Above

A Round Above

An advantage of an above-ground swimming pool is that a fence can be attached to the pool's sides, creating an almost seamless vertical safety wall.

Home & Garden: How to Design For a Jacuzzi in Your House

How to Design For a Jacuzzi in Your House

The name Jacuzzi originates from a family of Italian brothers who originated from Italy and settled in California, U.S.A in the early 1900s. The brothers were aeronautical engineers who designed propeller engines for air-crafts. They left aviation engineering and concentrated on agricultural enginee

Home & Garden: Proper Above Ground Pool Grading

Proper Above Ground Pool Grading

Proper above ground pool grading is essential to the correct construction of the pool. Without an even base, the pool loses stability. When the grading is performed correctly to ensure a completely flat area, the pool is less likely to experience structural issues throughout the swimming season.

Home & Garden: How to Check Your Pool's pH Level

How to Check Your Pool's pH Level

Keeping up the pH level of a swimming pool is essential, not merely to protect the swimming pool, but for the sake of the swimmer's health. Examine the pH levels of the pool at least 2 times a week by a pH test kit. This procedure is more important and needs your attention during the summer sea

Home & Garden: How to Select a Waterfall Pump for Your Pond

How to Select a Waterfall Pump for Your Pond

Having a pond in your backyard might be able to bring you and your family hours of relaxation and enjoyment, especially if you have a pond that includes a soothing, rushing waterfall. However, you won't be able to enjoy your pond's waterfall for very long without the right type of pump. The pump is

Home & Garden: How to Safely Store Ladders

How to Safely Store Ladders

Ladders are crucial components of several home improvement projects, from painting the exterior of a home to changing a light bulb. Once the chore is completed, the ladder must be stored for later use. Ladders that are improperly kept in a garage or basement can fall onto a person or pet, which coul

Home & Garden: AZUL Blue Swim-Up Pool Bar

AZUL Blue Swim-Up Pool Bar

Planning a pool project? No doubt you've been looking at photo after photo of swimming pools and spas of all kinds of sizes, shapes and styles. How about a little inspiration from some of the most luxurious world-class hotels? Maybe you can replicate one that comes close to your "dream poo

Home & Garden: How to Maintain a Swimming Pool (An Easy Formula!)

How to Maintain a Swimming Pool (An Easy Formula!)

If you've ever thought of having your own swimming pool, but were concerned about costly ongoing maintenance, you can be rest assured that this is something you can do on your own. Learning how to maintain a swimming pool is easier than you think. These four basic steps will keep your pool heal

Home & Garden: DIY: Filter Pond Pre-Pump

DIY: Filter Pond Pre-Pump

Putting a fish pond in the yard adds beauty and an additional sense of life and nature to the area. People often decorate ponds with fountains, rocks, plants and flowers, and populate them with fish and turtles. To keep the animals healthy and the water clean, though, it's important to add a pump an

Home & Garden: water change

water change

A definition of the aquarium term water change.

Home & Garden: Swimming Pool Maintenance & High Cyanuric Acid Levels

Swimming Pool Maintenance & High Cyanuric Acid Levels

Swimming pool maintenance can be a headache. No matter how hard you work to maintain optimum PH and chlorine levels, you may still face the irritating, and often mystifying, sight of cloudy or murky pool water. The culprit may be an excess of cyanuric acid -- pool stabilizer -- and you should addres

Home & Garden: Red Tuxedo Platy

Red Tuxedo Platy

A profile of the Red Tuxedo Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus), including habitat, care, feeding, and breeding.

Home & Garden: How to Make Your Own Bird Pond Waterfall

How to Make Your Own Bird Pond Waterfall

Adding a waterfall to your existing bird pond will enhance everyone's enjoyment whether feathered or not, and using a pre-formed waterfall makes the job easy. Pre-formed waterfalls come in two types: above-ground and in-ground. Above-ground pre-formed waterfalls are the easiest and quickest solution

Home & Garden: euthanasia


A definition of the aquarium term euthanasia.

Home & Garden: What Can I Use to Clean Acrylic in a Hot Tub?

What Can I Use to Clean Acrylic in a Hot Tub?

Many hot tubs have acrylic surfaces, which are strong, durable and smooth. They also resist stains. They do need to be cleaned on occasion, though, to remove accumulated dirt and residue. This can be done with supplies that you probably have on hand.