- Hot tubs sometimes require more than a surface cleaning. The dirty water that causes buildup on the acrylic also gets pumped through the hot-tub jets. When the jets are turned off, the dirty water sits inside the jet lines. The dirty water goes back into the tub when the jets are turned on again, but eventually the lines become dirty. This means that you must clean both the surfaces and the lines.
- Use a cleaning rag or nylon scrubbing pad to spot clean the acrylic. Because the hot tub is filled with water, the residue will easily come off the smooth, nonabsorbent acrylic.
- To clean the entire hot tub, including the acrylic surface, pour 1/2 cup bleach and 1/4 cup dishwasher detergent into the hot tub. Turn the jets on high, and let the cleaning solution flush through the hot tub for about 15 minutes. This will clean the jet lines and acrylic surface with virtually no work required on your part. Drain the hot tub, and scrub down the acrylic with a nylon scrubbing pad if needed. Fill the hot tub again, turning on the jets for another 15 minutes to flush out any leftover cleaning solution. Clean the hot tub every two weeks or as needed if you notice residue building up or floating in the tub.
- Make sure you're using dishwasher detergent, as regular dish soap will be too sudsy. Do not neglect your hot tub when it comes to cleaning. A hot tub can harbor germs and bacteria that are harmful to the family.
How a Hot Tub Works
Regular Cleaning of the Acrylic
Cleaning More Thoroughly
Things to Avoid