Sta-rite cleaners are one of the most popular pool filtration systems available in the market.
The popularity of the brand is attributed to the high quality, affordable and durable products they offer.
These cleaners use an innovative technology for ultra capacity filtration, which is not known in any other brands.
Such cutting-edge features have led to the widespread visibility of these swimming pool cleaners.
Online retail stores are also offering Sta-rite products; however, at much cheaper rates than hardware stores.
Therefore, many prefer purchasing from online pool supplies stores.
Sta-rite Cleaners: Basic Features The following are some basic features of Sta-rite cleaners: * They are the trendiest suction style pool cleaners.
* Since these are made of durable materials, they can move through the pool bottom smoothly, without damaging its movable parts.
* The cleaner uses an oscillating vortex to remove not only the twigs, leaves and pebbles, but also the minutest of dirt particles.
This leaves the swimming pool completely free of debris and disease-causing bacteria and fungus.
Sta-rite Cleaners: Care and Cleaning Follow these steps to dismantle and clean your Sta-rite cleaners: * Turn off the circuit breaker of this pool accessory.
* Remove the pressure from the filter by taking off the air release valve on the top.
* Drain the cleaner completely * Open the filter and take off the clamps from outside * Remove the top portion of the filter.
While doing this, ensure that the pressure gauge and the air release valve on the top are not damaged.
After dismantling, clean the device carefully.
Sta-rite Cleaners: Types These pool cleaners come in two types: Sta-rite Lil'Shark Pool Cleaner - This is an above-ground pool cleaner that can operate in pools with low water force as well.
However, this device is not a wall climber.
Shark pool cleaners have only one moving part.
The unit can be installed within minutes, without using any special tools.
Since it runs on the suction produced by the pump and the filter system, it operates automatically whenever the pump is on.
Sta-rite Great White - This device is ideal for in-ground cleaners.
A 15" wide cleaning path and well-designed steering mechanism ensures excellent pool coverage.
A UniDapt handle, which attaches to a telepole adaptor, is included in the unit for spot clean-ups.
This product also comes with a replaceable brush ring.
The popularity of the brand is attributed to the high quality, affordable and durable products they offer.
These cleaners use an innovative technology for ultra capacity filtration, which is not known in any other brands.
Such cutting-edge features have led to the widespread visibility of these swimming pool cleaners.
Online retail stores are also offering Sta-rite products; however, at much cheaper rates than hardware stores.
Therefore, many prefer purchasing from online pool supplies stores.
Sta-rite Cleaners: Basic Features The following are some basic features of Sta-rite cleaners: * They are the trendiest suction style pool cleaners.
* Since these are made of durable materials, they can move through the pool bottom smoothly, without damaging its movable parts.
* The cleaner uses an oscillating vortex to remove not only the twigs, leaves and pebbles, but also the minutest of dirt particles.
This leaves the swimming pool completely free of debris and disease-causing bacteria and fungus.
Sta-rite Cleaners: Care and Cleaning Follow these steps to dismantle and clean your Sta-rite cleaners: * Turn off the circuit breaker of this pool accessory.
* Remove the pressure from the filter by taking off the air release valve on the top.
* Drain the cleaner completely * Open the filter and take off the clamps from outside * Remove the top portion of the filter.
While doing this, ensure that the pressure gauge and the air release valve on the top are not damaged.
After dismantling, clean the device carefully.
Sta-rite Cleaners: Types These pool cleaners come in two types: Sta-rite Lil'Shark Pool Cleaner - This is an above-ground pool cleaner that can operate in pools with low water force as well.
However, this device is not a wall climber.
Shark pool cleaners have only one moving part.
The unit can be installed within minutes, without using any special tools.
Since it runs on the suction produced by the pump and the filter system, it operates automatically whenever the pump is on.
Sta-rite Great White - This device is ideal for in-ground cleaners.
A 15" wide cleaning path and well-designed steering mechanism ensures excellent pool coverage.
A UniDapt handle, which attaches to a telepole adaptor, is included in the unit for spot clean-ups.
This product also comes with a replaceable brush ring.