Home & Garden: Not-Set-in-Stone Wall

Not-Set-in-Stone Wall

A wall or a fence are both obvious choices for gaining privacy, marking bounaries and creating barriers. Not all walls and fences have to be typical or boring. Once you start investigating, you'll find that there are many materials and styles you can use. But if you've always dreamed of a

Home & Garden: What is the Real Solar Pool Heaters Performance

What is the Real Solar Pool Heaters Performance

Are you thinking about using a solar pool heater to get your pool up to temperature?What is the real solar pool heaters performance?There is a great way to answer this question and with the personal experience that can be gained by not only building the heater yourself, but also enjoying the benefit

Home & Garden: Draining a Gunite Pool

Draining a Gunite Pool

A gunite pool has concrete sides and is built into the ground. These are permanent structures and not designed to remain completely empty for long periods. However, if your pool needs extensive repairs, draining is necessary. Most gunite pools have built-in filters and drains that partially empty th

Home & Garden: How to Build a Hot Tub Skirt

How to Build a Hot Tub Skirt

Hot tub skirts can be a place to sit on, used as a table for drinks or food, or even used as an accessory shelf. Either way, they are so practical, no hot tub should be without one. You can make a simple hot tub skirt relatively quickly, but be sure to do the work during a period of time when the we

Home & Garden: Pearl Gourami

Pearl Gourami

A profile of the aquarium fish known as the Pearl Gourami (Trichogaster leeri)

Home & Garden: How to Relocate a Hot Tub

How to Relocate a Hot Tub

Hot tubs are not only a large investments, but they also take up a large section of your backyard. If you decide to move, bringing your hot tub with you can be difficult and expensive. While it is best to allow professional movers to relocate your hot tub, you can also do the project yourself with s

Home & Garden: Swimming Pool Cleaners

Swimming Pool Cleaners

Swimming pools have been a part of our daily life, we dive on it when we are stressed and when we have something to think about we just dip our legs magically we can find the answers we were looking for. Though swimming pool is helpful to many individuals, there are certain things we need to do in o

Home & Garden: How to Kill Dragonfly Nymphs in Pools

How to Kill Dragonfly Nymphs in Pools

Dragonfly nymphs, like their adult counterparts, are voracious predators of several pests. They resemble adult dragonflies but lack wings and have massive jaws. Mosquito larvae are one of their favorite meals. While they don't harm humans, it still may be unsettling to see these creatures hanging ou

Home & Garden: Pretty in Pink, From the Top

Pretty in Pink, From the Top

Red poinsettias, pink poinsettias, purple poinsettias: it's quite clear these aren't your grandmother's drug-store poinsettias. Shake up her world a bit with a 'Peppermint Twist' thrown into the mix, along with her favorite red and some assorted evergreens. While you're

Home & Garden: How to Make a Homemade Fish Pond Filter

How to Make a Homemade Fish Pond Filter

Making a homemade filter for your fish pond is an inexpensive way to provide a clean habitat for your fish and pond plants. Good filtration will maintain water clarity to keep your fish and pond plants healthy while providing a safe place for beneficial pond organisms to grow. Commercial pond filter

Home & Garden: The Effects of Swimming Pool Water That's Too Acidic

The Effects of Swimming Pool Water That's Too Acidic

Filtering the water in a swimming pool keeps trash out of a pool, but keeping the pH correct takes more than filtering the water. If the pH of a pool is too acidic, the water damages metal, plastic and skin. Acidic water causes problems in the pool's equipment. The metal parts inside the filtering s

Home & Garden: Water Fountain Ideas

Water Fountain Ideas

Fountains are simple and easy to experiment with on your own.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty ImagesA fountain adds movement, soothing sound and visual interest anywhere you put it. Fountains are simple, consisting of nothing but a pump, some tubing, a container for a reservoir and some...

Home & Garden: pectoral fins

pectoral fins

A definition of the aquarium term pectoral fins.

Home & Garden: How to Clean a Vinyl Pool

How to Clean a Vinyl Pool

Cleaning a pool regularly with the right equipment not only keeps the pool clean, but keeps the filters and circulation system working at peak efficiency. A clean pool also cuts back on the level of chemicals the pool needs. Be mindful of the manufacturer's recommendations regarding what to use so a

Home & Garden: The Therapeutic Benefits of Water and Hot Tubs

The Therapeutic Benefits of Water and Hot Tubs

Today the healing properties of water are combined with innovative hydrotherapy jet technology in a domestic hot tub or spa, to help you relax and unwind. As well as helping to soak away the stresses of everyday life, a spa offers all the hydrotherapy benefits that have been proven through the years

Home & Garden: Backyard Pond Problems

Backyard Pond Problems

A backyard pond turns an ordinary yard into a retreat that mimics the best of nature. Relaxing by the pond side with a cold drink after a hard day more than makes up for the labor and cost that go into creating the pond. It's not a perfect retreat, though, because there are some potential problems t

Home & Garden: How to Hide Ugly Outdoor Walls and Fences

How to Hide Ugly Outdoor Walls and Fences

What's the best way to hide a brick wall? Besides painting it, your smartest choice is to plant something in front of it, like a fast-growing hedge, vine or several small, evenly spaced trees.

Home & Garden: Lightening Safety Tips

Lightening Safety Tips

A lightening bolt can reach up to 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit.Dramatic lightning strike from storm clouds image by Stuart Monk from Fotolia.comLightening is an atmospheric discharge of electricity that occurs naturally. According to The Weather Channel, there are an average of 8.6 billion...

Home & Garden: Pool Terminologies

Pool Terminologies

With developing times are developing the structures to the pool along with the terminologies. This article is meant to keep all the upcoming pool makers up to date an in touch with the latest.

Home & Garden: Snail Hopper

Snail Hopper

One of the volumes for the auction of Michael Jackson's Neverland estate features garden statuary and outdoor furniture. While Neverland is nevermore, back in its heyday, the 2,500-acre compound boasted an amusement park, zoo, statuary and patio furniture. On opening day of the Jackson collecti