Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Looking for the Perfect Pool Pro? Do These 5 Things

Your swimming pool is one of the most expensive and important parts of your home, so it’s vital to make sure it’s well cared-for. This is where professional pool cleaning services come in: these services can both keep your pool physically clean and perform the complex electrical work involved in maintaining your filter, motor, and pump. But finding the right pool service can be tricky: there are innumerable options available, at different levels of expense and quality. So how do you know which to hire? When searching for a pool service, here are a few things to remember.

1. Large and Small Companies Offer Different Advantages

There exist both companies big enough to offer service across large areas and tiny, local companies that may have been servicing the same small route for decades. Each type of company has advantages and drawbacks. For instance, large companies can offer professionalism and reputability: they’re almost certainly insured and their customer service is likely to be better.

But on the other hand, these companies usually have lots of turnover among their employees, which means that the actual technicians sent to your pool may not have the experience of the small-time pool cleaner down the block. Which one to hire comes down to your specific pool, your finances (large companies are generally slightly cheaper), and personal taste.

2. Qualifications Matter

This can get tricky: the specific qualifications required to perform pool maintenance vary depending on the state and the services required. But you should always seek a pool service with general liability insurance in case something goes wrong – remember, you’ll be hiring this service to possibly repair extremely complex and expensive electrical equipment. Looking for a pool service with a registered business license is a good idea as well. The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP) certifies that its members are qualified professionals; hiring an APSP company is a good way to ensure that you receive capable service.

3. Read the Contract

Deceptively low prices are often exactly that. Some dishonest pool services offer an extremely low rate for pool service and then tack on additional charges for chemicals, repairs, or additional services that you weren’t planning for when you signed up. Industry standard is to charge a flat rate regardless of the chemicals used, so don’t agree to pay more than you should just because the offer looks enticing on its surface. Pool repairs like fixing a motor legitimately do cost more, but even then there’s the potential for dishonesty: some services buy used parts instead of new ones to save money. Be reasonable, but don’t be naïve either.

4. Do Your Research

Recommendations from your friends, family, and neighbors are a great way to find a pool service – can anyone you know endorse a good service? There are also lots of places on the Internet where you can read reviews of different companies: for instance, both Yelp and the Yellow Pages have databases of customer reviews for service companies in your area. Though obviously reviews aren’t always perfect, it’s still a good idea to get an opinion before you hire someone.

5. Know What You're Paying For

Any major pool service will offer the basics: they’ll skim debris off the surface, brush off the walls, clean the filter, and do the other physical cleaning you’d expect. Also considered standard is maintaining your pool’s chemical balance, which is a function of its alkalinity, pH, temperature, and other factors. But from there, different companies offer more extensive services like treating your pool with algaecide or performing electrical maintenance on your motor. Are you interested in paying more for more extensive service? Make sure you hire a company that offers service to the degree you need.
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