Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

How to Be Your Own Online Dating Lie Detector

Everything is going great.
Your online dating is all that and then some.
The two of you chat for hours at a time.
Things have gone so well that you carry your conversation from cyberspace to the telephone.
To your pleasant surprise things are even better.
You make plans to have you first face to face encounter and even share your experience with some people in your social circle.
They are happy for you but still quite skeptical about this whole online dating thing.
You tell them not to worry.
The big day and you have taken all the right precautions of meeting in broad daylight at a public place and telling your peeps where you will be.
All of this the two of you agreed to wholeheartedly.
The result is they are a no show.
You are quite upset but you get a call from them later on telling you how sorry they are.
You are not trying to hear that but after a little sweet talk and emotional button pushing you forgive them.
And that's when they make the pitch.
They really want to see you but due to their present financial condition they just can't.
That's where you come in.
Normally you would know better but this person has got you right where they want you and the next thing you know you are writing a check or doing a wire transfer to someone that you will never see again.
Welcome to the other side of online dating.
Dating online has come a login way in a short period of time and traveling right beside it is the usual con artist and scammers that existed offline.
Unless you are psychic there is no way to judge a person's motives in cyberspace but there are a couple of indicators that you should be on guard against.
How Much You Got? Somewhere along the way the scammer is going to target your money.
That's the whole purpose of the scam.
The real pros will make you think it was your suggestion to do so.
Question Time You and your cyber date hit it off but there are some questions they never seem to directly answer.
Other times they just skip past it like you never asked them anything.
Not a good sign.
All Over The Place One minute they tell you this the next minute it's something else.
Be aware of the inconsistencies.
Instincts Say When people let their emotions get carried away chance are they are not listening to their instincts.
Keep tuned to them at all times.
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