- 1). Remove the cover or drain basket from sinks, showers or tubs for access to the drain pipes to these components by unscrewing it from the drain outlet pipe with the basket wrench. A drain that will not empty usually means a clog in the pipe. Insert an appropriate plumbing snake down the pipe to knock the clog loose. If the snake will not penetrate far enough into the drain to unclog it, remove the trap under the sink when necessary to access the drain line outlet where it connects to the wall by unscrewing the lock washers with the pipe wrench. Access the drain line through this area for a more direct path into this outlet with the plumbing snake.
- 2). Remove the toilet from the floor to fully access the drainage branch leading from the toilet. Turn off the water shutoff valve and disconnect the water line from the tank. Unscrew the two mounting bolts holding the bowl to the floor and pull the assembly away from the drain hole. Insert the snake into the open drain pipe to unclog this drain line.
- 3). Disassemble the drainage branch from a point in the basement or crawl space if necessary. Unscrew pipe fittings with the pipe wrench if possible or cut out the bad area as needed on PVC-type drain lines. These pipes can be mended with a new fitting. Insert the snake into the drain pipes and clean out the clog.
- 4). Open the main drain line clean-out plug in your yard or dig up the main drain line leading from the house to the sewer line. Insert the snake into this spot and clean out the clog. A break in the main drain pipe may be found by a wet spot in your yard directly over where you have developed the drainage problem.