- 1). Add white vinegar to a spray bottle. Vinegar is a natural deodorizer that will neutralize the urine while removing the odor. Spray upholstery, mattresses, curtains and carpets liberally with the vinegar. Allow the items to air dry. Repeat the process as needed until the cat urine odor is removed.
- 2). Sprinkle baking soda on carpet and allow to sit for at least 30 minutes. Like vinegar, baking soda is a natural deodorizer that will remove cat urine odor from fibers and fabrics. Vacuum the baking soda from the carpet. Repeat the process as needed until you have removed the cat urine odor.
- 3). Fill a bucket with 3 cups of water. Add 3 cups of white vinegar. Saturate a sponge in the mixture and wring out the excess liquid. You want the sponge to be damp but not soggy. Scrub hard surfaces--such as walls and flooring--that have a cat urine odor with the sponge. Allow the surface to air dry.
- 4). Bring a pot filled with water to a boil. Add several cinnamon sticks to the boiling water. Turn the heat on the stove down so the water and cinnamon sticks simmer. This will fill your apartment with a pleasant aroma.