- 1). Measure the height and width of your window prior to purchasing the shutters to ensure you buy the proper size. Measure in several different places in case the window frame is not square, and use the largest measurement. Decide in advance if you want shutters that are larger than the window frame, or ones that only cover the space of the frame itself. Purchase pre-made shutters from your local home improvement store or custom-made shutters from a local professional.
- 2). Use the tape measure and pencil to draw a plumb line for the hanging strips or wood to which the shutters will attach. These should be flush against the sides of the window frame and will be the same height as the actual shutters themselves. Use a drill and screws to mount the hanging strips and double check the plumbness with a level as you go.
- 3). Choose a side of the window to install your first shutter on. Hold that shutter against the hanging strip, or have a friend help you hold it in place. To double check everything, have a friend hold one shutter in place while you hold the other to make sure you have everything perfectly plumb, and the shutters open and close without catching on each other. Use the drill and accompanying screws that came with your shutter package to screw the hinges in place on the hanging strips. Repeat the process for the opposite side of the overall shutter.
- 4). Double check your plumbness by opening and closing the shutters. If they stick in any way, you will need to adjust the hanging strips or the hinge mountings to accommodate. Repeat the overall process for any additional shutters you plan on installing in other windows of the room or house.