Women want a real man.
It might not be what they get some of the time, but you can be sure it is what they want.
With all their confused emotions coursing through their brains and the hormones in their bodies sending out all kinds of screwed up messages at various times of their lives, they need the constant reliability of a real man.
A real man is all of the images you see put forward by the media, strong, sure, romantic and then some.
The some means he knows all of this about himself and doesn't worry a bit about what others think.
He will make the decisions and then stand by them and to hell with you if you think he is wrong.
There is a certain amount of attitude in it to and you have to show a certain amount of indifference.
So if you want to attract women you have to give them what they want.
You have to exude all the qualities of the real man and show the ladies that you can fill all their requirements for a mate, and that you don't give a hoot whether they choose you for the job.
You have to be confident and walk tall and proud.
To carry this off you must dress well, take pride in your appearance and wear clothes that show you as a man to be reckoned with.
You have to be clean, so wash your hair, shave properly, shower twice a day and wear cologne.
Be cool and don't let it show if anybody ruffles your feathers (especially a hot chick).
And you have to have a positive frame of mind.
Believe in yourself and strive for self-improvement physically and mentally.
Make yourself a real man and you will be that rock that deep down every woman is looking for.
It might not be what they get some of the time, but you can be sure it is what they want.
With all their confused emotions coursing through their brains and the hormones in their bodies sending out all kinds of screwed up messages at various times of their lives, they need the constant reliability of a real man.
A real man is all of the images you see put forward by the media, strong, sure, romantic and then some.
The some means he knows all of this about himself and doesn't worry a bit about what others think.
He will make the decisions and then stand by them and to hell with you if you think he is wrong.
There is a certain amount of attitude in it to and you have to show a certain amount of indifference.
So if you want to attract women you have to give them what they want.
You have to exude all the qualities of the real man and show the ladies that you can fill all their requirements for a mate, and that you don't give a hoot whether they choose you for the job.
You have to be confident and walk tall and proud.
To carry this off you must dress well, take pride in your appearance and wear clothes that show you as a man to be reckoned with.
You have to be clean, so wash your hair, shave properly, shower twice a day and wear cologne.
Be cool and don't let it show if anybody ruffles your feathers (especially a hot chick).
And you have to have a positive frame of mind.
Believe in yourself and strive for self-improvement physically and mentally.
Make yourself a real man and you will be that rock that deep down every woman is looking for.